Photo of sikorsky.y.o
27.04.2023 15:40

Good day.

Benefits regarding the payment of land tax for individuals are listed in Article 281 of the Civil Code.

In this list, there is no possibility to be exempted from land tax, if wind power plants and other types of green energy are located on such a plot of land, therefore the answer is NO.

27.04.2023 15:08

Good day.

Land tax rates are set depending on the type of land plot and its normative monetary value.

Land tax rates for plots of land for agriculture, of which normative monetary valuation has been carried out - not less than 0.3% and not more than 1% of their normative monetary valuation.

Land tax rates for plots of land, the normative monetary assessment of which has not been carried out - not less than 0.3% and not more than 5% of the normative monetary assessment of a unit of arable land in the region.

It should also be noted that there is a relief in relation to land for agriculture.

Owners of such lands who use them for personal peasant farming are exempt from paying land tax - in the amount of no more than 2 hectares.

This benefit applies to the following persons: persons with disabilities of the first and second groups, natural persons who raise three or more children under the age of 18, pensioners, war veterans, natural persons who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl disaster.

27.04.2023 01:40

Good day.

If the land tax is not paid on time, the taxpayer will be subject to fines, depending on how long the payment is delayed.

If the delay is up to 30 calendar days, the fine will be 5% of the tax debt amount, and if the delay is more than 30 calendar days, the fine will be 10% of the tax debt amount .

It should be taken into account that in connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, changes were made to the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding the procedure for paying land tax.

According to these changes, from March 1, 2022 to December 31 of the year following the year in which martial law is terminated, land tax and rent for land plots of state and communal ownership, for land and shares, are not subject to assessment and payment for lands located on territories temporarily occupied by the armed forces of the Russian Federation, as well as on lands littered with explosive objects and/or on which there are fortifications.

26.04.2023 22:12

Good day.

According to clause 281.1.3. Article 281 of the Tax Code of Ukraine, pensioners are exempt from paying land tax.

26.04.2023 22:08

Good day.

The organization of the improvement of settlements and the implementation of control over the state of improvement belongs to the powers of executive bodies of village, settlement, city councils.

Therefore, responsibility for the attack of a homeless animal on a person falls on the relevant local council, which is obliged to take measures to ensure the safety of the population and the maintenance of homeless animals on its territory.

26.04.2023 21:04

Good day.

If there is such an opportunity, you should contact the authority in Russia that issued you this certificate with a request to provide a duplicate. If such a body no longer exists, then to its legal successor.

If, for some reason, you are not issued a duplicate certificate in Russia, this does not deprive you of the opportunity to apply to the court to establish the fact of birth. These cases are considered quickly, in the order of separate proceedings.

26.04.2023 14:45

Good day.

According to Part 2 of Art. 125 of the Family Code of Ukraine, if the child's mother and father are not married to each other, the origin of the child from the father is determined:

  1. at the request of the child's mother and father;

  2. by court decision.

To register paternity with a man who is at war, you need to have his consent, that is, he must sign an application for recognition as a father. Due to the fact that your husband is at war and cannot personally submit an application, you can submit an application for him. For this, you need to have a copy of his passport and a power of attorney from the child's father.

26.04.2023 13:53

Good day.

Only police officers can detain a person in order to stop a crime. ** Refusal to receive a subpoena is not an offence, therefore there is no reason for detention**.

If you received a summons, but did not appear at the military commissariat, and if the military commissariat has already created documents regarding the violation of the legislation on military registration or mobilization and sent a request to the police to detain you and bring you to the military commissariat, then only in this case, according to Article 262 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the police can detain you and take you to the Military Commissariat.

If you are illegally detained, first of all, record everything on your phone (on video or at least a voice recorder). Call the police and report that a criminal offense has been committed against you: abuse of official authority (365 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), known illegal detention (371 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

26.04.2023 13:43

Good day.

If you are conscripted and accompany a person with a disability abroad during martial law, you must have the following documents confirming:

  • family ties (birth certificate, marriage certificate);

  • disability of a person (retirement certificate or certificate about the group and cause of disability);

  • cohabitation (extract about the place of registration);

  • providing care for a person with a disability (certificate of receipt of compensation).

Important! Persons with I or II disability groups have the right to travel abroad during martial law.

26.04.2023 13:22

Good day.

You need to apply to the court to establish the fact of family relations. Establishing the fact of family relations is carried out by the court in the order of a separate proceeding.

The court considers cases related to the establishment of the fact of family relations, if this has direct consequences for the applicant, such as the right to inheritance, the right to receive a pension due to the loss of a breadwinner, receiving compensation, etc.

The application of an individual to establish the fact of family relations is submitted to the district, district in the city, city or city-district court at your place of residence.

As evidence, you can provide information about relatives, their place of residence, photographs, memories of witnesses who knew you and the deceased, as well as any other evidence that confirms the existence of family ties.