Photo of sikorsky.y.o
01.05.2023 21:59

Good day.

YES, maybe.

During martial law, if Ukrainians are abroad, disability assessment or medical and social examination is carried out in absentia and extraterritorially.

If you are abroad and need a medical and social examination, then you need to send the necessary medical documents to your family doctor or treating doctor in Ukraine, who will draw up form 088/o "Referral to MSEK" for you.

All submitted documents must be written in Ukrainian. After that, your package of documents will be reviewed by the medical and advisory commission, which will make a decision to refer you to the medical and social expert commission for examination and establishment of disability.

If you are unable to attend the examination, the MSEK can make a decision to establish disability in absentia on the basis of a referral from the LCC of the health care institution. The examination is carried out at the direction of the LKK, regardless of your place of registration, residence or stay.

01.05.2023 21:20

Good day.

The land lease agreement is concluded in writing and may be notarized at the request of one of the parties.

In the land lease agreement, it is important to specify such conditions as object of lease (cadastral number, size and location of the land plot), date of conclusion and term of validity of the agreement, information about rent (size, indexation, settlement conditions and liability for non-payment), and other conditions may be specified, upon agreement of the parties. If measures are provided to improve the leased object, then an agreement on reimbursement of costs for such measures is attached to the contract.

In order to conclude a contract for the lease of a plot of land from privately owned lands, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the lessor and the person who has the right to lease the plot of land in accordance with the law. In the case of state-owned or communal lands, it is necessary to obtain a decision from the relevant executive authority or local self-government body - the lessor.

The object under the land lease agreement is considered transferred by the lessor to the lessee from the moment of state registration of the right to lease.

The model contract can be found at

Regarding the land tax, it should be noted that it is levied on land owners.

01.05.2023 20:49

Good day.

The territorial recruitment and social support center (TCC and SP) is a military administration body that ensures the implementation of legislation on military duty and military service, mobilization training and mobilization. Punishment from TCC and SP may be applied to persons who violate this legislation.

Depending on the offense committed, responsibility can be both administrative and criminal.


Violation of military accounting rules by conscripts, conscripts, and reservists entails imposing a fine of thirty to fifty tax-free minimum incomes of citizens.

Damage or negligent storage by conscripts, conscripts and reservists of military registration documents (certificates of registration at conscription stations, military tickets, temporary cards of conscripts), which caused their loss, entails ** imposition of a fine ** from thirty to p seventy tax-free minimum incomes of citizens.

Evasion of conscription for military service during mobilization, for a special period, for military service upon conscription of reservists during a special period

is punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to five years.

These are just a few examples of punishments for understanding.

If you have any other questions, please ask, I will be happy to answer.

01.05.2023 20:16

Good day.

You need to issue a FOP if you carry out business activities, that is regularly provide services or sell goods for the purpose of making a profit.

Selling goods on the website is a type of distance trade that is subject to registration as a business activity.

If you want to sell goods on the site, you need to open a sole proprietorship or LLC, choose the types of activities (CVEDs) and the taxation scheme.

Carrying out business activities, in your case - selling goods on the website, without state registration as a business entity is an administrative offense.

You may also be held criminally liable for tax evasion in large amounts ** (over UAH 1 million)

01.05.2023 19:56

Good day.

To receive IDP subsidies, the following documents are required:

  1. Application for subsidy.

  2. Declaration of income and expenses.

  3. Data on household residents.

  4. Passport, registration number of the taxpayer's registration card (RNOKPP).

  5. Certificate of IDP status.

30.04.2023 00:05

Good day.

For the fact that you did not sign the summons at work, you will NOT BE JAILED for 7-15 years. This threat is not true.

If the employer processed everything correctly, even if you refused to sign the summons, you have the obligation to appear before the TCC. Failure to appear may result in a fine of 1,500 to 3,400 hryvnias.

However, if you have already passed the medical board, are found fit and you are served with a mobilization order, then in case of non-appearance, you may be punished in the form of deprivation of liberty for a term of 3 to 5 years.

29.04.2023 23:31

Good day.

To begin with, you need to receive a written refusal from the executive service.

Write a statement to the executive service about lifting the restriction on the management of motor vehicles.

After receiving a refusal, you apply to the court and appeal this refusal. Documents confirming the payment of all debts must be submitted to the court.

After you win the court case, the enforcement service will be obliged to remove restrictions on driving the vehicle.

29.04.2023 19:48

Good day.

First of all, I would recommend you to officially register the accident by calling the police and/or yourself through the Europrotocol. In this case, if you are not the culprit of the accident, you can be sure that you will be compensated for the damages.

However, if you want to go the other way, here are my recommendations.

In order to correctly formulate the receipt for the transfer of the car for repair, it is necessary to include the following data in it:

  1. Full names of the parties - yours and the culprit of the accident;

  2. The date of drawing up the receipt;

  3. Detailed information about the accident. Where, when, what and how it happened, under what circumstances, license plates of vehicles and who is to blame for the accident.

  4. Detailed information about the damage caused to the car as a result of the accident.

  5. Information about the transfer of the car for repair - make, model, year of manufacture and other characteristics of the car;

  6. Conditions for restoring the car - what work must be done, what materials must be used and what time frame the repair must be completed;

  7. Conditions for returning the car - when the car must be returned and what condition it must be in at the time of return;

  8. Signatures of the parties - yours and the culprit of the accident.

In order for a receipt to be legally valid, it must be in writing and signed by both parties. Also, passport data should be added to the receipt.

The next step after drawing up the receipt will be handing over the car for repair to the culprit of the accident under the conditions set out in the receipt.

In addition, if the culprit of the accident is an employee at the service station, you must additionally conclude a contract for maintenance and repair of the vehicle between you and the service station.

29.04.2023 19:16

Good day.

Benefits regarding the payment of land tax for individuals are listed in Article 281 of the Civil Code.

Currently, according to the above-mentioned article, such a benefit is not provided.

29.04.2023 19:14

Good day.

The land tax is based on the assessment of the land plot according to regulatory and monetary indicators and on the size of the land plot.

If the land is owned by the state, the tax is calculated based on the above indicators.