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05.05.2023 13:13

YES, you can go to a settlement agreement in enforcement proceedings. This right is defined in Part 2 of Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine "On Executive Proceedings".

The settlement agreement must be approved by the court that issued the executive document.

The conclusion of a settlement agreement is the basis for the termination of executive proceedings.

05.05.2023 13:04

Good day.

There are several ways that allow you to pay off debt under enforcement proceedings. But before starting the payment, you should check if enforcement proceedings have been opened against you as a debtor. This can be done with the help of several resources, such as the Unified Register of Debtors, the Automated System of Enforcement Proceedings, or the "ACTION" State Services Service.

Debt obligations can be paid both in banking institutions and online, for example through the State Services Service "ACTION". Also, you can pay in the terminal using the details of the state executive service body.

If you need to get the details of the relevant department of the Internal Revenue Service, they can be obtained directly from the state bailiff who is dealing with your enforcement proceedings, or on the website of the relevant department of the enforcement service.

04.05.2023 23:25

In accordance with Article 27 of the Law of Ukraine "On Executive Proceedings", in order to avoid paying the executive fee, it is necessary to fulfill the requirements of the executive document before issuing a resolution on the opening of executive proceedings.

There are also a number of other exceptions when the executive fee is not charged:

  • according to executive documents on confiscation of property, collection of periodic payments (except executive documents on the collection of alimony, in the presence of arrears from the payment of alimony, the total amount of which exceeds the amount of relevant payments for twelve months), seizure of property to secure legal claims, according to executive documents , which are subject to immediate execution;

  • in case of implementation of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights;

  • if the execution of the decision is carried out at the expense of the funds provided by the budget program for ensuring the execution of court decisions in the manner established by the Law of Ukraine "On State Guarantees for the Execution of Court Decisions";

  • according to the executive documents on the collection of the executive fee, the collection of costs of the executive proceedings, fines imposed by the executor;

  • in case of execution of the decision by a private executor;

  • according to the executive documents on debt collection, which is subject to settlement in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On measures aimed at settling the debt of heat supply and heat-generating organizations and enterprises of centralized water supply and drainage" and the Law of Ukraine "On measures aimed at overcoming crisis phenomena and ensuring financial stability on the natural gas market", as well as in accordance with the resolutions of the state executives brought into force by the aforementioned laws.

04.05.2023 23:21

If non-payment of alimony is the only reason for termination of parental rights, then the answer is NO.

Failure to pay alimony can be used as additional evidence for a decision to terminate parental rights, however, it cannot be the only reason.

However, the court may consider this fact along with other evidence. It is important to note that parents are obliged to support their children until they reach the age of majority. In case of non-payment of alimony, parents may be held civil, administrative or criminal responsible.

04.05.2023 23:14

Good day.

Ukrainian legislation gives parents the right to change the amount of alimony established for their child in connection with a change in various life circumstances, such as material condition, family condition, health condition of the payer or the recipient of alimony, etc.

If alimony was established by concluding a voluntary agreement between the parents, then changes to this agreement can be made only in a notarial form. A separate contract is signed by the parties and is subject to mandatory notarization.

In the event that the parents cannot reach a mutual agreement on changing the amount of alimony, or if the payment of alimony has been established by a court decision, then changes to the amount of alimony are possible only in court. It is important to know that changes to the amount of alimony should not affect the health and well-being of the child.

04.05.2023 23:10

Good day.

If you believe that your property has been illegally seized by the enforcement service, you must first contact it with a request to remove the seizure.

In the event that you are refused, then in accordance with Article 59 of the Criminal Code "On Executive Proceedings", it is necessary to apply to the court with a claim for recognition of the right of ownership of this property and for the removal of the seizure from it.

04.05.2023 22:11

Good day.

In Privatbank, you can open an account with the status of a volunteer for your charitable organization. People will be able to transfer funds to this account by card number or QR code.

04.05.2023 14:36

Good day.

There is such a service as the Unified register of debtors - This service is free and easy to use.

Through this service, you can find out the number of the executive proceeding, the name and location of the department of the executive service, and the number of the manager.

In the "search for debtors" tab, enter the last name, first name, patronymic of your ex-husband and click "Search". After that, you will find out all the necessary information.

04.05.2023 14:30

Good day.

Each type of joint stock company has its own rules regarding the procedure for the sale of shares.

According to the charters of some joint-stock companies or corporate agreements concluded between the shareholders of such companies, there may be restrictions for the Seller regarding the sale of shares to a third party (Buyer).

Such restrictions include establishing the preferential right of other shareholders to purchase shares that are alienated by the Seller to a third party, or establishing the Seller's obligation to conduct preliminary negotiations with other shareholders regarding the conclusion of a share purchase agreement with a third party.

It may also be necessary to obtain written consent from other shareholders to enter into this Agreement.

04.05.2023 14:21

Good day.

The procedure for the liquidation of a corporation in Ukraine is regulated by many legal acts, in particular, the Civil and Economic Codes of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs", "On Economic Partnerships", etc.

A legal entity can be liquidated both voluntarily and forcibly.

The company liquidation procedure is a complex process that includes many stages and formalities. First, the company must decide on liquidation and notify all authorities and creditors about it. Next, it must lay off workers and stop production, as well as sell its property and transfer the funds to the owners. In addition, the company must close current accounts, cancel certificates, licenses, permits and undergo an audit by tax authorities. After that, it must transfer all relevant documents for storage in the archive and be finally liquidated by making a corresponding entry in the Unified State Register.