Photo of sikorsky.y.o
18.05.2023 23:12

Leave without pay can be granted to an employee during the main leave.

If during the main vacation you take another vacation at your own expense, the duration of the main vacation will not change.

18.05.2023 23:05


All enterprises in the territory of the specified country are divided into private, municipal and state. The most profitable forms of business in Indonesia are private limited companies (Perseroan Terbatas) and cooperatives (Koperasi). Another profitable organizational and legal form of business in Indonesia is the creation of interstate partnerships (Maatschap, Firma, Commanditaire Vennootschap). In addition, it is possible to create a representative office of the main company within state borders (Representative Office).

Activities of the company in Indonesia: state regulations keep almost all areas of the economic segment open to foreign entrepreneurs. The most popular are tourism, the transport segment, opening a restaurant business, as well as the real estate market. If the firm is engaged in a narrow specialized type of activity, it may need additional licensing.


The process of creating a company usually takes about 2 months and includes a number of stages.

  1. Company registration in Indonesia begins with choosing a name. The name must be registered with the Ministry of Justice of the country. A thorough check of the company name is mandatory. The name must be unique, not mislead the client, not contain offensive or propaganda statements.

  2. Choice of business structure.

  3. Register a local office.

  4. Company registration to obtain a business license.

18.05.2023 00:07

A land lease agreement is an agreement according to which the lessor undertakes to transfer the land plot to the tenant for a certain period for a fee, and the tenant undertakes to use this plot in accordance with the terms of the agreement and the requirements of land legislation.

The land lease agreement is drawn up in writing and can be notarized at the request of either party. The owner of the land plot can establish a requirement for notarization of the land lease agreement or cancel such a requirement.

Detailed rules for concluding a lease agreement are set out in the Law of Ukraine "On Land Lease".

Here is a link to a typical land lease agreement

17.05.2023 23:58

The rules for leasing land plots are established in the Law of Ukraine "On Land Leasing" dated October 6, 1998 No. 161-XIV.

The purchase and sale of land plots is regulated by civil legislation, the Land Code, the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Creation of Conditions for Ensuring Food Security in Martial Law", the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Conditions of Circulation agricultural lands".

PS: The last two laws amended the Land Code of Ukraine.

17.05.2023 23:48

The amounts of the single social contribution and the rates of the single tax, which will be paid by FOP from January 1, 2023, will be:

  1. FOP of the 1st group - ESSV will be 1474.0 hryvnias. per month (22% of the minimum wage), the single tax is UAH 268.40. per month (no more than 10% of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons as of January 1, 2023);

  2. FOP of the II group - EUV will be UAH 1,474.0. per month (22% of the minimum wage), the single tax is UAH 1,340.0. per month (20% of the minimum wage as of January 1, 2023);

  3. FOP of III group - EUV will be 1474.0 hryvnias. per month (22% of the minimum wage), the only tax is an interest rate of 5% of income, or 3% of income in the case of paying VAT.

During the period of martial law, a preferential rate of 2% is valid for payers of the III group EP (VAT non-payers).

In 2023, the minimum monthly amount of the EUV is UAH 1,474, the maximum monthly amount of the EUV is UAH 22,110.

17.05.2023 23:41

Yes, there is such a possibility.

According to Art. 1194 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, a person who has insured his civil liability, in the event that the insurance payment (insurance indemnity) is insufficient to fully compensate for the damage caused by him is obliged to pay the victim the difference between the actual amount of damage and the insurance payment (insurance indemnity).

That is, the difference between the actual cost of repairs and insurance compensation must be paid by the person guilty of the accident.

17.05.2023 23:31

After the start of a full-scale war, a ban on raising prices for utility services was introduced.

The issue of canceling the above-mentioned ban is within the competence of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

17.05.2023 23:25

Ukraine has a law according to which the state provides support to the agricultural sector under martial law.

Law of Ukraine No. 7178 "On ensuring food security under martial law" provides the following support to farmers:

  • allows the use of all available agricultural land for the sowing campaign (simplifies the acquisition of rights of use for agricultural land plots under martial law). In addition, prerequisites have been created for conducting agricultural production on state-owned lands, which are currently in permanent use by state-owned enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, educational institutions, etc.;

  • leased land relations are automatically extended for a year without entering information into the relevant registers;

  • district military administrations can lease state and communal agricultural plots of land intended for agricultural production for a period of up to a year. The rent cannot exceed 8% of the normative monetary value of the plots. To calculate the amount of rent, the average NGO of arable land area in the region will be used. For such lands, a restriction is established regarding the change of purpose of plots. Lease contracts for such land are concluded only for one year in e-form without bidding. They cannot be renewed or renewed. The right to lease land leased by the military administration will not be subject to state registration;

  • the transfer of agricultural land, which is in permanent use by state and communal enterprises, institutions, organizations and on which there are no crops, is carried out with the written consent of the head of the corresponding state, communal enterprise, institution, organization, and the right to permanent use of land plots is not terminated.

Law of Ukraine No. 2120-IX "On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the effect of norms for the period of martial law" was also adopted, which establishes:

  1. temporarily, for the period from March 1, 2022 to December 31 of the year following the one in which the state of war or emergency is terminated or canceled, **no land fee is charged and paid ** (land tax and rent for plots of state and communal property) for plots of land (parts (parts) located in the territories where hostilities are being waged or in the territories temporarily occupied by the armed forces of the Russian Federation and are owned or used, including h. on the terms of lease, for individuals or legal entities, as well as for land plots (parts (parts) determined by regional military administrations as littered with explosive objects and/or on which there are fortification structures;

  2. temporarily, for the 2022 and 2023 tax (reporting) years the general minimum tax liability is not calculated and paid for land plots located in the territories where hostilities are (were) taking place, or in the territories, temporarily occupied by the armed forces of the Russian Federation, and/or for areas identified by regional military administrations as littered with explosive objects and/or where there are fortifications.

There are also certain benefits for obtaining loans. The government supplemented the state program "Affordable loans 5-7-9%". Now, medium-sized enterprises with an annual income of up to 50 million euros and large enterprises with an annual income of more than 50 million euros, regardless of the number of employees, have access to:

1) the maximum loan amount for all business entities is UAH 60 million, taking into account groups of related companies;

2) interest rate — 0% per annum;

3) purpose of lending:

  • investment loan for the purchase of agricultural machinery,

  • credit for replenishment of working capital for the purchase of seeds, fertilizers and fuel and lubricants;

4) loan term — 6 months;

5) the deadline for submitting an application for participation in the program is May 31, 2022;

6) the amount of the credit guarantee — 80% of the amount of the loan of a micro, small and medium-sized business entity (except for large business entities).

Also, Order No. 154 of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine "On technical support of the complex of field works in the conditions of martial law in 2022" allows the operation of agricultural machinery (tractors, self-propelled chassis, self-propelled agricultural machinery, road construction and reclamation machines , other agricultural machines and their components of domestic and foreign production) without registration.

16.05.2023 23:48

You pay 1% of the value of the house, which is specified in the contract (in hryvnias), during the execution of the contract of sale at the notary.

16.05.2023 23:40

If a notary has already issued you a donation contract, it is registered accordingly.

Notaries do not work in "Derzharkhiv".

If you need to receive a copy of the donation agreement, apply to the appropriate state notary archive to receive a duplicate of this agreement. You will be issued a duplicate contract that has the legal force of the original donation contract.