Photo of sikorsky.y.o
22.05.2023 17:09

You need to contact the Embassy of Ukraine in Poland (consular department). Here is the website of the embassy

In the "Contacts" tab, you can find the consular department closest to you.

In accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for performing notarial acts in diplomatic missions and consular institutions of Ukraine, consuls perform the following types of notarial acts:

  1. certificated deeds (contracts, wills, powers of attorney, etc.), except for mortgage contracts, contracts on alienation and pledge of residential buildings, apartments, cottages, garden houses, garages, land plots, other immovable property , located in Ukraine, as well as in addition to contracts of lease, sublease, emphytheusis of agricultural land plots;

  2. measures are taken to protect inherited property;

  3. certificates of the right to inheritance are issued;

  4. certificates of ownership of a share in joint property of spouses are issued;

  5. the authenticity of copies (photocopies) of documents and extracts from them is certified;

  6. the authenticity of the signature on the documents is certified;

  7. the authenticity of the qualified electronic signature on electronic documents is certified;

  8. the accuracy of the translation of documents from one language to another is certified;

  9. the fact that the natural person is alive is certified;

  10. the fact of a physical person's stay in a certain place is certified;

  11. the identity of the physical person with the person depicted on the photo card is certified;

  12. the time of presentation of documents is certified;

  13. cash and securities are accepted for deposit;

  14. execution inscriptions are made;

  15. marine protests are carried out;

  16. documents are accepted for storage;

  17. duplicates of documents certified by them are issued.

The legislation of Ukraine may provide for other actions performed by consuls.

Another possible option is to have the power of attorney certified by a Polish notary. Then, on the territory of Ukraine, make its translation and notarize the translation.

Ukraine and Poland are participants in the Hague Convention, which abolishes the requirement of legalization of foreign official documents. In order for Polish documents (including a power of attorney) to be legal in Ukraine, they must be apostilled, then such documents are translated into Ukrainian and a Ukrainian notary certifies the authenticity of the translator's signature.

21.05.2023 17:30

If you're just creating content, you don't need to pay to submit it.

However, if you are engaged in content creation and receive funds from this activity, you must declare such income and pay taxes.

If you have any questions about how to get officially registered, what and in what amount you will need to pay taxes, please ask, I will be happy to answer.

21.05.2023 17:16

YES, passport forgery is a criminal offense.

For forging a passport or other official document, in accordance with Art. 358 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine provides for liability in the form of a fine up to one thousand tax-free minimum incomes of citizens or arrest for a period of up to six months, or restriction of freedom for a period of up to two years.

The use of a forged document (passport) is subject to liability in the form of a fine of up to fifty tax-free minimum incomes of citizens or arrest for a term of up to six months, or restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years.

20.05.2023 23:57

YES, such a decision of the executive service is valid.

In accordance with Article 70 of the Law of Ukraine "On Executive Proceedings", the total amount of all deductions during each payment of wages, in the case of collecting alimony for minor children, cannot exceed 70 percent. In case of collection of alimony for adult children - 50 percent.

20.05.2023 23:42

In accordance with Article 18 of the Law of Ukraine "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations", the assets remaining during the liquidation of charitable organizations after satisfying the demands of their creditors must be transferred to one or more charitable organizations in accordance with the procedure established by the founding documents, or by court order.

If there are no charitable organizations to which it is possible to transfer assets, they go to the State Budget of Ukraine.

20.05.2023 23:35

YES, the police have such a right.

According to Article 260 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, administrative detention of a person is allowed for the purpose of identifying the person.

Identity documents:

  • passport of a citizen of Ukraine;

  • passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad;

  • diplomatic passport of Ukraine;

  • service passport of Ukraine;

  • seafarer's identity card;

  • ID card of a crew member;

  • identity card for return to Ukraine;

  • temporary certificate of a citizen of Ukraine;

  • driving license;

  • identity card without citizenship for traveling abroad;

  • permanent residence permit;

  • temporary residence permit;

  • migrant card;

  • refugee ID card;

  • refugee travel document;

  • an identity card that requires additional protection.

In addition, I would like to inform you that identification documents can be presented through the "ACTION" application.

20.05.2023 23:24

A search of a car can be carried out if the following grounds exist:

  • You committed an administrative offense;

  • In case of detention;

  • If your car contains signs indicating the commission of an offense;

  • If there is a specific orientation (applies to cars whose license plates were recorded when an administrative offense was committed).

  • On the basis of the decision of the investigative court;

  • In urgent cases related to saving lives and property or direct pursuit of persons suspected of committing a crime.

Therefore, if the police did not have the above reasons for searching the car, then it is illegal.

20.05.2023 00:46

To legalize a country house, the following actions must be taken.

The Supreme Court, as part of the panel of judges of the Cassation Administrative Court, reached the following conclusions in its Resolution dated January 15, 2021 in case No. 1540/3952/18:

Individual (homestead) residential houses, garden houses, country houses, household (homestead) buildings and structures built before August 5, 1992 are not subject to the commissioning procedure.

In order to register ownership of individual (homestead) residential houses, garden houses, country houses, farm (homestead) buildings and structures, as well as annexes to them, which were completed before August 5, 1992, the following documents must be submitted:

  1. Technical passport for an immovable object;

  2. A document confirming the assignment of an address to the object of immovable property.

In the case of state registration of the ownership of an individual (manor) residential building, garden, country house, which was built on a land plot, the ownership of which is already registered in the State Register of Rights, it is not necessary to provide a document confirming the assignment of the address to this object . In this case, the applicant must provide information about the cadastral number of the corresponding land plot. This cadastral number is used by the state registrar to obtain information from the State Land Cadastre regarding the location of the land plot on which this object is located, in order to further determine its address.

Usually, in order to register the ownership of individual (homestead) residential houses, garden houses, country houses, household (homestead) buildings and structures, as well as annexes to them, which were completed before August 5, 1992, it is necessary to submit the following documents:

  • The original of the technical passport for this object, which can be compiled by BTI or another subject conducting a technical inventory.

  • The original document for the land plot, where the cadastral number of the land plot is indicated. If the ownership of the land plot is already registered in the State Register of Rights, this document may not be submitted.

  • A document confirming the assignment of the object's address. This document is required in cases where information about the location (address) of the land plot is not available in the State Land Cadastre or the State Register of Property Rights.

These documents can be submitted to the subject of state registration of rights (for example, executive bodies of village, settlement and city councils) or to the state registrar of rights to immovable property.

For state registration, you need to submit the above-mentioned documents, as well as present the original passport and RNOCPP.

After reviewing your application, the state registrar will make a decision on registration or refusal.

20.05.2023 00:13

YES, you can pay the debt before the opening of enforcement proceedings. To do this, you need to find out from Mykolaiv teploenergo the account to which you need to pay the debt.

In the event that you pay the debt before the opening of enforcement proceedings, in accordance with part 9 of Article 27 of the Law on Enforcement Proceedings, the enforcement fee is not charged in the event of the end of enforcement proceedings on the basis of Clause 9 of Part One of Article 39 of this Law, if the decision was performed before the resolution on the opening of executive proceedings was issued.

If Mykolayiv Teploenergo, for some reason, applies to the enforcement service with a demand to open enforcement proceedings, then after providing proof of payment of the debt, the enforcement proceedings will be closed.

20.05.2023 00:08

YES, one of the possible ways to pay the debt and close the enforcement proceedings is to pay it through the ACTION.

According to clause 9 part 1 of the Law "On executive proceedings", executive proceedings are subject to termination in the case of actual implementation in full of the decision according to the executive document.

According to Art. 40 of the Law "On Enforcement Proceedings", in the event of the end of the enforcement proceedings the arrest imposed on the property (funds) of the debtor is removed, information about the debtor is excluded from the Unified Register of Debtors, other measures taken by the executor to implement the decision are canceled , as well as other necessary actions are carried out in connection with the end of executive proceedings.

So you don't need to take any action, the arrests will be canceled automatically.