Photo of sikorsky.y.o
01.06.2023 11:22

In 2023, the retirement age is as follows:

  1. if the insurance experience is 30 years, then you can retire at the age of 60;

  2. if the experience is from 19 to 29 years - at 63 years;

  3. if from 15 to 19 years old - at 65 years old.

01.06.2023 11:19

No, if the relevant taxes are paid.

Income from operations with cryptocurrencies is taxed according to general rules. Individuals must report this income in the annual declaration using the sales price and pay taxes at the rate of 18% + 1.5% military levy.

01.06.2023 11:13

The grounds for postponement of the draft for the period of mobilization are listed in Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization".

In accordance with this article, persons who have a wife (husband) from among persons with disabilities and/or one of their parents or parents of a wife (husband) from among persons with disabilities I or II are not subject to conscription, and therefore have a deferment from mobilization groups.

In order to get a postponement from mobilization, you need to submit an application for postponement with passport data and add to it documents that confirm that the citizen is really not subject to conscription.

An application for deferment from mobilization is submitted to the TCC at the place of military registration or conscription.

Documents confirming the existence of a deferment must be attached to the application (for example, medical certificates, MSEK opinion, medical documents confirming the state of health of relatives).

Specific requirements for documents (copies or originals) not specified anywhere. However, there may be a situation when they will be required to present the originals, so it is advisable to have them with you.

01.06.2023 10:49

Even if you purchase an apartment before the marriage, it will still be considered jointly owned property.

According to Article 74 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, if a woman and a man live in the same family, but are not married to each other or in any other marriage, the property acquired by them during their cohabitation belongs to them under the right of joint co-ownership, if otherwise not established by a written agreement between them.

The above rule works if your relationship has the following characteristics:

  • cohabitation of a man and a woman;

  • common life;

  • mutual rights and obligations;

  • running a joint farm;

  • have a single budget

As for the purchase procedure, everything happens at the notary. The notary enters all the necessary data into the text of the contract and prints it in a draft version. It should be read carefully! Then the parties make a calculation. After receipt of tax payment receipts, the notary enters the contract into the register of real property rights and the buyer immediately becomes the owner of the apartment.

As for changing the surname, there will be no problems here. If a question arises, it will be enough to present a marriage certificate.

31.05.2023 22:46

The victim or his representative can sign and submit petitions or any other documents in criminal proceedings.

The authority of the representative, in accordance with Article 58 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, must be duly confirmed.

The authority of the victim's representative to participate in criminal proceedings is confirmed:

  1. documents provided for in Article 50 of this Code (certificate of the right to engage in advocacy, a warrant, a contract with a defense attorney or a mandate from a body (institution) authorized by law to provide free legal aid), - if the representative of the victim is a person who has the right to be a defense attorney in criminal proceedings;

  2. a copy of the founding documents of the legal entity - if the victim's representative is the head of the legal entity or another person authorized by law or the founding documents;

  3. power of attorney - if the representative of the victim is an employee of the legal entity that is the victim.

31.05.2023 22:33

YES, if a criminal/administrative case has been opened against you, it will, in most cases, be displayed on the website of the Judiciary -

You can search for a case by your last name, first name, patronymic, and case/proceeding number.

31.05.2023 22:27

If, during the marriage, one of the spouses receives certain values (apartment, car, etc.) in accordance with the gift agreement, then such property does not belong to the common, but is considered the private property of the person to whom it was given gifted

Therefore, the donated apartment is your and your son's private property and cannot be divided.

31.05.2023 22:16

In accordance with Article 1269 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, an heir who wishes to accept an inheritance, but at the time of the opening of the inheritance did not live permanently with the testator, must submit an application to a notary public or, in rural settlements, to an official of the relevant local self-government body ** on acceptance of inheritance. Application for acceptance of inheritance is submitted by the heir personally.

In accordance with Article 1270 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, a period of six months is established for the acceptance of inheritance, which starts from the time of opening the inheritance. According to the requirements of Article 1272 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, if the heir has not submitted an application for acceptance of inheritance within six months, he is considered to have not accepted it.

Therefore, you should not have received summonses, you should have applied for the acceptance of the inheritance yourself.

However, in accordance with Article 1272 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, you can try through the court to obtain an additional period sufficient to submit an application for acceptance of inheritance.

31.05.2023 21:14

The list of documents that must be submitted to obtain an academic leave may differ slightly, depending on the educational institution.

Clause 20 of the first part of Article 62 of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" provides for the right of a person studying at a higher education institution to take an academic leave or a break in studies while preserving the individual rights of a student of higher education, as well as to resume studies in accordance with the procedure established by the central body executive power in the field of education and science.

In accordance with the second part of Article 46 of the said law, a student of higher education has the right to a break in studies due to circumstances that make it impossible to complete the educational (scientific) program (due to health, conscription for military service in the event of losing the right to postponement from her, family circumstances, etc.). Such persons are granted academic leave in accordance with the established procedure. Study or internship in educational and scientific institutions (including foreign countries) may be grounds for a break in studies, unless otherwise stipulated by international acts or agreements between institutions of higher education. Part five of the same article establishes that the procedure for expulsion (interruption of studies, renewal and transfer of persons studying in institutions of higher education, as well as the procedure for granting them academic leave is determined by the regulation approved by the central executive body in the field of education and science. Corresponding the draft act was developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, it is undergoing internal approval in the structural units of the Ministry of Education and Science.

By the letter of the Ministry of Education and Culture of April 23, 2018 No. 1/9-257, higher education institutions were recommended until the new act enters into force to be temporarily guided by the provisions of the Regulation on academic leaves and retraining in higher education institutions, approved by the joint order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture of June 6, 1996 No. 191/153, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 24, 1996 under No. 325/1350, in the part that does not contradict the Laws of Ukraine "On Higher Education" and "On Education".

Since the procedure for granting an academic leave in different educational institutions may have certain differences, it is first necessary to consult with the dean's office of the educational institution or the admissions office (office) of the director of the vocational pre-higher education institution.

31.05.2023 21:00

It is your right to refuse to sign the summons, especially if the summons was drawn up and issued in violation of the requirements of the Law.

If you do not appear at the appropriate time at the TCC SP, you may be fined under Art. 210-1 of the Administrative Code of Ukraine - from one hundred to two hundred tax-free minimum incomes of citizens.

However, you can appeal this fine by going to court. You will need to provide evidence that the summons was issued to you in violation of the requirements of the Law (photo, video recording, testimony of witnesses).

Unfortunately, your diagnosis and appearance on the summons to the TCC SP are not related to each other. In order to declare you unfit for military service, you must pass the VLK.