Photo of sikorsky.y.o
16.06.2023 09:16

In accordance with Resolution No. 469 dated 05/09/2023, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers, the terms of acceptance of inheritance have changed again. Now, as before the war, all questions related to inheritance must be resolved again within six, not ten months.

16.06.2023 09:14

YES, you can through ACTION.

It is also possible to submit a request in electronic form and receive a certificate of no criminal record in the form of an extract through the electronic service, by logging into the Personal Account using a qualified electronic signature.

15.06.2023 22:39

You need to recognize the father as incompetent (limited legal capacity) and issue guardianship (guardianship) over him through the court. In this case, without the consent of the guardian (custodian), he will not be able to perform transactions.

According to Article 39 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, a natural person may be recognized by the court as incompetent if, due to a chronic, persistent mental disorder, he is unable to realize the meaning of his actions and (or) manage them.

Pursuant to Article 60 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the court establishes guardianship over a natural person in the event of his/her incapacity and appoints a guardian at the request of the guardianship authority. The court establishes guardianship over a natural person in case of limitation of his civil legal capacity and appoints a guardian on the application of the body of guardianship and guardianship.

According to Articles 67 and 60 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the guardian commits transactions on behalf and in the interests of the ward. The guardian gives his consent for the wards to perform transactions in accordance with Articles 32 and 37 of this Code.

15.06.2023 22:27

The enterprise can provide charitable assistance only to those military organizations (military units) that are non-profit organizations and entered in the Register of non-profit institutions and organizations. I would like to inform you that the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, including the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), which includes units, military units, military educational institutions, institutions and organizations, are non-profit organizations entered into the Register.

So, you can easily give a certain percentage to charity/in addition to the Armed Forces and place it in open sources.

15.06.2023 22:23

An application for compensation for a destroyed house or apartment that is jointly owned can be submitted even by one of its co-owners. When filling out the form, it is necessary to indicate information about all co-owners - the application will automatically be considered submitted by all.

Each co-owner claims his or her share of the compensation, which will help simplify the filing process, especially since it's usually family members. In case of disagreement by one of the co-owners, an appeal mechanism is provided for in accordance with the draft law.

15.06.2023 14:45

In the case of concluding an employment contract on part-time work, as well as in the event that the employee does not fulfill the full monthly (hourly) work rate, the minimum wage is calculated in proportion to the completed work rate (for example, for work at 0.5 rate, it will be UAH 3,350 ( = UAH 6700×0.5).

Part-time working day or part-time working week is established by agreement of the parties to the employment contract both at the time of hiring and subsequently at the request of the employee.

At the initiative of the employer, the introduction of part-time work is a change in essential working conditions. In this case, the employee must be notified of a change in essential working conditions no later than two months in advance.

15.06.2023 14:24

At the request of a woman or persons who actually take care of a child, during their stay on leave to care for a child, they may work part-time or at home (Part 8, Article 179 of the Labor Code).

The legislation does not specify where a woman on maternity leave should work part-time: in the main position or in a part-time position.

Therefore, during maternity leave, a woman has the right to go to work and work part-time (0.5 or 0.75 rates), including part-time, and this will not affect her maternity leave and social benefits.

15.06.2023 12:58

Regarding interaction with collectors, you have the right:

  • Write a complaint to the NBU about illegal actions of collectors;

  • Demand compliance with ethical rules;

  • Request to provide documents on the purchase of the right to claim the loan;

  • Demand to observe the call mode;

  • Forbid calling work or relatives.

Regarding installments and reducing the amount of debt

A feature of credit restructuring is the need to reach a mutual agreement between the creditor and the debtor regarding the write-off or reduction of debt. It is impossible to force collectors to restructure the loan through the court.

In some cases, through the court, it is possible to achieve cancellation of the accrued interest and pay the balance of the loan debt, which leads to the cancellation of the loan obligation. According to the legal position of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court, set out in the decision dated 03.28.2018 in case No. 444/9519/12 the accrual of interest after the end of the credit period is illegal**.

The most important thing that I recommend to you is never repay the loan without signing the necessary documents.

In the event that the debt collection company purchased the debt from the bank or MFI at the lowest price, you have the opportunity to receive a discount and pay for the loan on favorable terms. However, for this it is important to know how to correctly make payments to collectors in order to finally get rid of the debt and avoid further demands.

It is recommended to carry out financial transactions through a bank, as all transactions will be documented. A guarantee letter must be issued as confirmation of debt payment. It is necessary to remember that you should not trust the promises of collectors who offer to give money without official confirmation or agree on forgiveness or partial write-off of the debt over the phone.

15.06.2023 12:18

The status of a collection company can be obtained by a legal entity (in particular, a non-banking financial institution that, in accordance with the law, has the right to lend funds, including on the terms of a financial credit, and/or factoring services). To acquire the status of a collection company, you need to apply to the National Bank with a package of documents provided for by the Regulations on the Registration of Collection Companies. If the company meets the requirements of the law, the National Bank registers it by entering it into the Register of Collection Companies.

Therefore, it is possible to check the legitimacy of the collection agency by checking the presence of the latter in the Register of Collection Companies.

Access to the Register of collection companies can be obtained on the NBU website ( -nebankivskih-finansovih-poslug-obmejuyetsya), however, access to open information is limited during martial law.

Additionally, I would like to inform you that it is possible to keep information from the Register of Collector Companies on such services as;

15.06.2023 09:20

A complaint against the actions of collectors is submitted to the NBU.

In order to record violations of collectors, it is necessary to record several conversations or save their messages.

Further, depending on the situation:

  1. If collectors (or MFIs) call a relative or friends, it is necessary to send a request to the collectors to exclude the phone number from their databases. After that, send a complaint to the National Bank of Ukraine and the Commissioner for Human Rights with a request to conduct an appropriate inspection.

  2. If the collectors violate the rights of the borrower (do not provide information, the amount of the debt, blackmail, etc.), send a complaint with evidence to the NBU.

In addition, if the collectors threaten you, demand the return of the debt (in violation of the requirements of the Law), then you can contact the police with a statement about the commission of a criminal offense under the following articles:

  • Art. 129 "Threat to kill";

  • Article 182 "Violation of privacy";

  • Article 189 "Extortion" - a demand to hand over property or to commit acts of a property nature with threats of violence against the victim or his close relatives, or damage to property, etc.;

  • Article 353 "Arbitrary assignment of authority or title of an official";

  • Art. 355 "Compulsion to perform civil legal obligations with the threat of violence against the victim or his close relatives in the absence of signs of extortion";

  • Art. 356 "Self-rule" - arbitrary, contrary to the procedure established by law, the commission of any actions, the legality of which is disputed by an individual citizen, if such actions caused significant damage to the interests of the citizen.