Photo of sikorsky.y.o
30.06.2023 15:33

There is a revocation procedure for replacing a judge. The question of recusal of a judge is decided by the court considering the case. The court satisfies the challenge if it reaches a conclusion about its validity. If the court comes to the conclusion that the stated objection is unfounded, it decides on the issue of stopping the proceedings in the case. The appeal procedure may differ depending on the type of proceedings: administrative, civil, criminal.

Usually, grounds for impeachment of a judge are circumstances that raise doubts about the judge's impartiality or objectivity.

30.06.2023 15:30

Most EU countries provide Ukrainian citizens with access to free medical services along with temporary protection. However, it is important that refugees remember the limited period of validity of such insurance. For example, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic have already set limits on the duration of insurance, so they now require Ukrainian citizens to pay the cost of insurance themselves, whereas previously these costs were covered by the budget.

Medical insurance for refugees from Ukraine staying abroad is usually provided for a period of up to 5 months from the moment of arrival in the country. For example, if a family moved to one of the EU countries in March, their insurance expired in July. Therefore, if people went to Europe at the beginning of the conflict, it is necessary to check the duration of their insurance in the country of destination. You can easily buy health insurance even when you are in any other country, by taking the appropriate actions remotely in just a few clicks.

30.06.2023 14:27

Addresses of customs offices can be found on the official website of the State Customs Service of Ukraine -

30.06.2023 14:25

To begin with, you need to contact a medical institution at your place of residence for diagnosis. If the doctors confirm a persistent violation of the body's functions, they will issue a referral for an expert examination at the medical and social expert commission (MSEK).

The commission (MSEK) makes a collegial decision, after which it issues a certificate on recognition or non-recognition of a citizen as a person with a disability and an individual rehabilitation program.

Medical and social expert commissions determine:

  1. Group of disability, its cause and time of onset. A person can simultaneously be recognized as a person with a disability of one group and only for one reason. When the disability group increases, in the event of a more serious illness, the cause of disability is determined at the choice of the person with a disability. If one of the causes of disability is disability from childhood, two causes of disability are indicated.

  2. Types of work recommended for a person with a disability due to health.

  3. Causal relationship between disability and disease or disability that occurred in childhood, a congenital defect.

  4. The degree of loss of working capacity for victims of an accident at work or occupational disease.

  5. Degree of loss of health, group of disability, cause, connection and time of onset of disability of citizens who suffered as a result of political repressions or the Chernobyl disaster.

  6. The right to receive a special motor vehicle or a contraindication to driving it.

Necessary documents:

  1. completed referral form 088/o, signed by the head and members of the LKK with the seal of the medical institution;

  2. passport and a copy of the passport;

  3. medical card of an outpatient (ambulatory book - form 025/o);

  4. employment book and its copy, certified by the personnel department of the last place of work or by a notary;

  5. originals of all documents entered in form 088/c, namely: health certificates from a surgeon, neurologist, therapist and other specialists. It is important that there are documents from specialists on the disease for which the patient expects to receive a disability status. In addition, original X-ray examination and laboratory tests are required. The diagnosis of the patient according to the main disease must be described in an extract from the medical history (epicrisis).

30.06.2023 09:30

It is worth reminding that during the martial law in Ukraine, men aged 18 to 60 cannot cross the country's border, with exceptions established by law.

Those who have the right to go abroad must have with them:

  • Passport.

  • It is also better to take a Ukrainian passport with you.

Documents required for traveling abroad by car:

  • Driving license;

  • Technical passport;

  • Insurance.

30.06.2023 09:22

Article 47 of the Constitution of Ukraine guarantees that no one can arbitrarily evict a citizen from an apartment or be deprived of housing: this requires legal grounds or a court decision.

The fact that you are registered in the apartment does not give you the rights of the owner of the apartment. Registering a place of residence is giving a person the exclusive right to use housing. However, if you are the owner of the apartment (you own some share of the apartment), then you cannot be forcibly evicted.

If you do not have any rights to the apartment and you are only registered in it, then the owner (owners) can evict you from the apartment and forcefully evict you.

I inform you that according to Art. 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On Executive Proceedings" evictions can be carried out only by state executors. This means that neither private executors, nor collectors, nor the police, nor any other authorities in Ukraine have the authority to enforce the court's decision on eviction. Attempts to execute a court decision independently (by force) bypassing the procedure established by law may be further qualified as a criminal offense (self-righteousness).

30.06.2023 09:12

After renting out an apartment, the owner loses some of his rights regarding such a real estate object, namely, the owner cannot dispose of the apartment and use it.

The owner cannot come to the apartment at any time. The frequency of visits is specified in the contract. It is usually allowed to come every month. Moreover, the meeting must be arranged in advance. If there are no residents, it is forbidden to visit the apartment.

So, if the contract states that the owner has the right to visit the apartment, then you can demand it. If they don't let you in, call the police. After entering the home, document the damage. Damage to the home is grounds for terminating the lease agreement and later - recovery of damages in court.

29.06.2023 21:11

The price agreement protocol is attached to the main contract, is an integral part of it and is made in two copies. In the price agreement protocol, the following must be specified: details of the parties; name and quantity of goods or services; price for the product/service; signatures certifying that the parties have agreed on the relevant price.

29.06.2023 13:56

The amount and procedure for payment of the court fee is established by the Law of Ukraine "On Court Fee" No. 3674-VI dated July 8, 2011.

The amount of the court fee rate is defined in Article 4 of the above-mentioned law (

For example, for the filing of a claim of a property nature by a legal entity, the court fee rate is 1.5 percent of the price of the claim, but not less than 1 amount of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons and no more than 350 amounts of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons. For filing the same claim by an individual or an individual entrepreneur - 1 percent of the price of the claim, but not less than 0.4 of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons and no more than 5 of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons.

For filing a non-property lawsuit filed by a legal entity or an individual - an entrepreneur, the court fee rate is 1 amount of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons. For filing the same claim by an individual - 0.4 of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons.

There are quite a few rates of court fees, so I recommend that you familiarize yourself with them at the link

29.06.2023 13:49

You can easily abandon the lawyer and enter into a contract with a new one.

In order to refuse a lawyer, it is necessary to terminate (terminate) the contract on the provision of legal assistance concluded with the latter.

In accordance with part 2 of Article 29 of the Law of Ukraine "On Advocacy and Advocacy", the agreement on the provision of legal assistance can be terminated early by mutual consent of the parties or terminated at the request of one of the parties under the conditions stipulated by the agreement. At the same time, the client is obliged to pay the lawyer (law firm, bar association) a fee (remuneration) for all the work that was performed or prepared for execution, and the lawyer (law firm, bar association) is obliged (obligation) required) to inform the client about the possible consequences and risks associated with early termination (termination) of the contract.