Photo of sikorsky.y.o
01.08.2023 09:26

YES, they can.

Women who have entered the military register have the same restrictions as men who are conscripted in terms of traveling abroad during military service.

However, currently there is no officially approved procedure for checking documents regarding the obtained specialty (medical or pharmaceutical), profession and/or stay on the military register of conscripted women who cross the state border of Ukraine. Accordingly, female doctors or pharmacists can actually travel outside of Ukraine.

The State Border Service has also repeatedly confirmed the absence of any restrictions for conscript women to travel abroad.

01.08.2023 09:23

No, there is no such possibility.

According to the requirements of Art. 179 of the Family Code of Ukraine, alimony received for a child is the property of the child. The parent or other legal representative of the child, in whose name the alimony is paid, disposes of the alimony exclusively for the purpose of the child's interests.

Payment of alimony is terminated for the following reasons:

  • if the child reaches the age of majority (Part 1 of Article 180 of the Civil Code of Ukraine).

  • in the event that the daughter and son reach the age of 23, if they continue their education and are dependent on their parents (Part 1 of Article 199 of the Civil Code of Ukraine).

  • in case of termination of education by a daughter or son of legal age (Part 2 of Article 199 of the Civil Code of Ukraine).

  • in case of impossibility for parents to provide material assistance to adult daughter, son, who continue their education (Part 1 of Article 199 of the Civil Code of Ukraine);

  • if the child's income is much higher than the income of each parent and fully covers his needs. Parents can be released from the obligation to maintain a child only by a court decision. If the child has stopped receiving income or his income has decreased, the interested person has the right to apply to the court for the collection of alimony. (Article 188 of the Civil Code of Ukraine);

  • in the case of adoption of a child, since from the moment of adoption, mutual personal non-property and property rights and obligations arise between the adopted person (and in the future - between his children, grandchildren), and the adopter and his relatives by origin. Adoption gives the adopter the rights and imposes on him the duties in relation to the child he adopted, to the same extent that the parents have in relation to the child. (Article 232 of the Civil Code of Ukraine)

  • in case of death of a child or alimony payer;

  • in connection with the acquisition of ownership of real estate.

01.08.2023 09:16

No, the manager's duty to notify about a change in working conditions is defined in Part 3 of Article 32 of the Labor Code.

In accordance with part 3 of article 32 of the Labor Code, in connection with changes in the organization of production and work, a change in essential working conditions is allowed while continuing to work in the same specialty, qualification or position. The employee must be notified no later than two months of changes in essential working conditions - pay systems and amounts, benefits, work regime, establishment or cancellation of part-time working hours, combination of professions, change in grades and job titles, etc.

01.08.2023 09:13

There are two ways to apply for a subsidy:

Algorithm of actions for the online way to receive a subsidy:

  1. Register or authorize in the citizen's office at using an electronic signature or BankID.

  2. In the "Services" menu, find the "Subsidy application" service.

  3. Check the correctness of your data in the user profile, update them if necessary.

  4. Give truthful answers to the questionnaire questions: are you married, add the address at which you want to receive a subsidy, specify information about the debt for housing services (if you have one).

  5. Choose whether you want to receive a subsidy for housing and communal services. If so, mark the necessary services from the list of available ones and fill in the fields for each of them.

  6. Indicate whether you wish to receive a subsidy for the payment of contributions. If so, mark the necessary contributions from the list of available ones and fill in the fields for each of them.

  7. Choose whether you need a subsidy for the purchase of liquefied gas, solid and liquid household fuel for the stove.

  8. Choose whether only disabled people live at the address receiving the subsidy.

  9. Choose the method of receiving the subsidy. Funds can be transferred to a bank card, you will need to specify the IBAN of the account. The second option is to receive money through a national postal operator.

  10. Indicate the presence of separate personal accounts in the indicated housing.

  11. Fill in the information about the characteristics of the living space or house.

  12. Select household features from the list of available if available.

  13. Select whether other persons live at the specified household address. If so, add everyone living in the household and fill in all their details according to the questions you'll see on the application.

  14. Fill in the income data according to the questions you will see in the application.

  15. Fill in the data on the availability of vehicles.

  16. Fill in the data on the purchased property and paid services.

  17. Fill in the data about the purchased currency.

  18. Fill in the data on whether you, members of the household or members of their families have deposit accounts with an amount of more than UAH 100,000.

  19. Fill in the data on the availability and payment of alimony.

  20. Fill in data on the availability of real estate.

  21. Upload the necessary copies of documents to receive the subsidy.


In order to apply for a subsidy offline, you must contact the social protection authority at the place of registration (actual residence).

From January 1, 2021, the social welfare units of district state administrations will accept citizens' applications only by mail or in electronic form.

In paper form, applications and documents are also accepted:

  • executive bodies of the village, settlement, city council of the relevant territorial community;

  • officials of centers for the provision of administrative services (TsNAP). Employees of the National Social Security Agency must submit the documents to the relevant structural unit for social protection of the population within three working days from the date of their submission.

To apply for an offline subsidy, you must submit:

  • application for the appointment and provision of a housing subsidy (

  • declaration of income and expenses of persons who applied for a housing subsidy ( B0%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%86%D1%96%D1%8F-112021.doc)

  • if you are renting an apartment, a housing lease (lease) agreement,

  • if in the declaration you indicate income about which there is no information in the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine or the Pension Fund - income certificates,

  • other documents that are necessary for consideration of the issue on its merits. For example, these can be documents confirming that a person does not live at the place of registration:

  • certificates confirming the place of stay of a person in the territory of another administrative-territorial unit in connection with work, treatment, training, long-term business trip, serving a sentence, including documents legalized in Ukraine on the acquisition of insurance experience in another country;

  • certificates of payment of housing and communal services in another residential premises;

  • acts of inspection of the material and living conditions of the household of the settlement, village or city council;

  • housing rental agreements in another place, etc.

01.08.2023 09:07

Yes, it is necessary to write an application for the granting of leave, in which it is necessary to indicate the type of leave and its duration.

01.08.2023 09:06

It is necessary to file a complaint with the National Bank of Ukraine ( or the court.

31.07.2023 14:19

The heir can waive the right to a mandatory share in the inheritance by submitting a statement to the notary stating that he is familiar with the content of the will, the content of Article 1241 of the Civil Code of Ukraine has been explained to him and he does not claim to receive a mandatory share in the inheritance.

However, after the expiration of 6 months from the time of the opening of the inheritance, applications for refusal to accept the inheritance will not be accepted by notaries and the inheritance will be distributed among all the heirs who accepted the inheritance.

Therefore, if the heir, who has the right to a mandatory share in the inheritance, does not accept the inherited property within the period established by law (within 6 months from the day of the testator's death or the day from which he is declared dead) or refuses the inheritance, the property is inherited by the heirs according to the will .

Therefore, you can choose any option convenient for you.

31.07.2023 14:14

To obtain a certificate of tax resident, it is necessary to submit an application for confirmation of resident status to avoid double taxation or documents in special forms approved by foreign competent authorities.

Application sample:

The above-mentioned application is submitted to the Main Department of the State Tax Service of Ukraine in the regions and the city of Kyiv or to the Interregional Department of the State Tax Service for Work with Large Taxpayers.

The application is submitted by the taxpayer (authorized representative) to the supervisory body at the main place of registration, and in the case of submitting an application for a certificate by taxpayers - by natural persons who are temporarily outside their place of residence or do not have a permanent place of residence - to any control body.

31.07.2023 14:09

In order to receive monetary assistance to war participants, it is necessary to apply to the local social service center or to the department of social protection of the population in the bodies of the executive power or local self-government.

In addition, I would like to inform you that every year on May 5, financial assistance from the state was paid to the participants of the war. But in connection with the adoption on March 20 of the Law of Ukraine On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding One-time Cash Payments to War Veterans and Victims of Nazi Persecution, in 2023 such payment will not be made on May 5, but on August 24, the Independence Day of Ukraine.

31.07.2023 09:40

Currently, there is no such obligation. From draft law No. 7574-d, the provisions providing for the mandatory registration of the e-cabinet in the Unified Judicial System for FOPs were excluded.