Photo of sikorsky.y.o
08.08.2023 10:45

One of these pieces of evidence is the response to the request of the State Border Service.

Submitting a request for information on the crossing of the state border of Ukraine by an individual and on the presence or absence of a temporary restriction on the right to leave Ukraine or enter Ukraine for an individual is provided only upon a written request for information to the State Border Service (by mail to to the Ukrposhta system or in person to the public reception of the Administration of the State Border Service of Ukraine).

08.08.2023 10:41

The law provides for the possibility of opening an inheritance in any place, regardless of where the testator lived at the time of death. One, if the inheritance case was opened at a notary in Ivano-Frankivsk, then the documents must be submitted to the latter.

An inheritance case can be transferred to another notary in the following cases:

  1. transfer of inheritance cases opened in violation of the requirements of Article 1221 of the Civil Code of Ukraine (regarding the place of inheritance opening), according to the authority of the notary, whose competence includes conducting this inheritance case. Such a transfer is carried out upon establishing the fact of the simultaneous opening of several inheritance cases (for example, at the place of residence of the testator and at the location of the inherited property);

  2. transfer of the inheritance case to the notary at which, according to the paper carriers, the inheritance case was opened earlier, with the simultaneous opening of inheritance cases by different notaries at the place of the inheritance opening;

  3. transfer of the inheritance case at the request of all the heirs who have accepted the inheritance to another private notary (state notary office) within one notary district after the expiration of the term established by law for accepting the inheritance in the event of termination, suspension of the notarial activity of a private notary, temporary blocking or canceling the notary's access to the State Register of Rights. At the same time, the private notary (state notary office) to whom the inheritance case is transferred is obliged to accept it in the proceedings. The authenticity of the signature of the heirs on the application must be notarized. In such a statement, it is mandatory to indicate to which private notary (state notary office) the inheritance case must be transferred;

  4. the transfer of the inheritance case is carried out by the commission for the liquidation of the state notary office in the case of liquidation of the state notary office before the transfer of all documents of notarial records and the archive of the state notary office to the corresponding state notary archive.

08.08.2023 10:33

Any person can issue disability to a pensioner who is bedridden. For this, it is necessary to obtain a power of attorney for the right to represent the interests of the deceased in any state organizations and to sign all the necessary documents. The completed power of attorney must be notarized. It is possible to invite a notary to your home for a fee.

08.08.2023 10:31

According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1388, to restore a lost or stolen vehicle (trailer) registration certificate, it is necessary to contact any territorial service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In order to get a new technical license, it is necessary to re-register the vehicle.

08.08.2023 10:30

Yes, meetings of working groups under the Ministry of Environmental Protection are public and their records can be accessed in open sources.

08.08.2023 10:26

The procedure for processing applications for compensation for damaged housing takes place in three stages:

  1. Review and registration of the application.

  2. Departure of the commission to determine the degree of damage to real estate.

  3. Decision of the commission on the amount of compensation.

According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the term of consideration of the application is 30 calendar days from the date of its submission.

In the Diya application, you will receive a notification about the registration of the application, about the start of its consideration, as well as about the decision made by the commission and about the amount of compensation.

If you submitted a corresponding application, and the commission to determine the degree of damage to the real estate does not leave, then such actions must be appealed to the court. However, I would like to inform you that the apartment or house must not be located in the war zone or in the occupied territory. If your house is still in the occupied territories or in the war zone, then the commission does not legally leave.

07.08.2023 12:00

Issuance of a certificate that a child is dependent on one of the parents or a guardian is carried out by the executive bodies of village, settlement, city councils, the Center for the provision of administrative services.

To receive a certificate, you must submit the appropriate application and documents:

  1. Passport of the person who applied for the certificate

  2. Copies of children's birth certificates

  3. Document establishing custody (if available)

  4. Certificate of examination of the applicant's housing conditions, which states that the father/mother does not take part in the upbringing of the child.

In order to obtain a certificate of inspection of the applicant's living conditions, it is necessary to apply to the Department of Children's Services at the place of residence.

To get a certificate, you must submit:

  1. statement;

  2. a copy of the applicant's passport;

  3. a copy of the child's birth certificate;

  4. a certificate on the composition of the family and the place of residence of the applicant;

  5. information about the housing that will be inspected.

07.08.2023 11:55

Yes, you can, especially since you already have an IDP certificate.

In the absence of "registration" or actual residence at the place of "registration", a person can also submit other documents that would confirm his residence in the settlement from which the transfer took place. It is about:

  1. military card with information on military service;

  2. labor book with records of labor activity;

  3. a document confirming ownership of movable or immovable property;

  4. certificate of basic general secondary education;

  5. certificate of complete general secondary education;

  6. a document on professional and technical education; a document on higher education (a scientific degree);

  7. a certificate from the place of study;

  8. decision of the district, district in Kyiv or Sevastopol state administration, the executive body of the city or district council in the city on placing a child in a children's institution, in a foster family, a family-type children's home, establishing guardianship or care;

  9. medical documents (for example, a declaration from a family doctor);

  10. OK-5 or OK-7 certificates (can be quickly obtained in the "Action" application in the "Services" - "References" section); photos, video recordings, etc.

07.08.2023 11:44

In accordance with Part 3 of Art. 238 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, a representative cannot perform a transaction on behalf of the person he represents, in his own interests or in the interests of another person, whose representative he is at the same time, with the exception of commercial representation, as well as in relation to other persons established by law.

Payments for an amount exceeding 50,000 hryvnias are made by transferring funds from a current account to a current account or depositing and/or transferring funds to current accounts (including to a notary's deposit to a separate current account in national currency).

Therefore, if the value of the object in the contract of sale is higher than the established amount of the maximum amount of cash settlements, the individual and/or legal entity is obliged to make a non-cash settlement.

Taking into account the above, if funds for the sale of real estate have been deposited into the attorney's account, you can demand the return of these funds, including through court proceedings.

07.08.2023 11:37

Business entities that carry out settlement transactions in cash and/or in non-cash form (using electronic means of payment, payment checks, tokens, etc.) when selling goods (providing services) in the field of trade, public catering and services are obliged keep inventory records in accordance with the law, sell only those goods (services) reflected in such records.

In addition, during the inspection, the business entity is obliged to provide the controlling authorities with documents that confirm the accounting and origin of the goods that are at the point of sale at the time of the inspection.

Such requirements do not apply to natural persons - entrepreneurs who are single tax payers, except for:

  • are VAT payers;

  • carry out activities for the sale of technically complex household goods that are subject to warranty repair;

  • sell medicines and medical products;

  • sell jewelry and household products made of precious metals.