Photo of lorina200215
06.03.2024 11:04

pàri pàssu - the same.

06.03.2024 11:03

pars pro tòto - a part representing the whole.

06.03.2024 11:02

per còntra - opposite, on the contrary.

06.03.2024 11:02

per extensum - completely, in detail.

06.03.2024 11:01

per lègem tèrrae - according to the laws of the state.

06.03.2024 11:00

per mínas - by means of threats.

06.03.2024 11:00

persòna non gràta - not a desirable person.

06.03.2024 10:59

persòna praedilècta - a very desirable person.

06.03.2024 10:59

per ùsu captiònem - by constant use.

06.03.2024 10:58

plàcita jùris - norms of law.