Photo of lorina200215
30.08.2024 09:29

A conscript must inform the TCC about his reservation and do so only before he acquires the status of a military serviceman.

All reserved citizens must be on a special record, and information about them must be contained in the "Oberig" system.

29.08.2024 20:04

Article 121 of the Land Code establishes norms for the free transfer of plots to citizens. In particular, for the management of a personal peasant economy — in the amount of no more than 2 hectares. However, in the absence of free land or a limited amount of it, the area for which the permit is issued may have a smaller area.

Court practice regarding appeals against decisions of local self-government bodies (LGUs) on reducing the area of a land plot for which a citizen has applied is quite dynamic and depends on the specific circumstances of each case.

29.08.2024 15:01

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court is an international treaty that established the International Criminal Court (ICC). It defines the procedure of the court and also defines the crimes that fall under its jurisdiction (crimes of aggression, crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes).

27.08.2024 14:56

According to Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization", *conscripts, women and men who have three or more children under the age of 18 are dependent on them, except for those who have arrears for the payment of alimony, the total amount of which exceeds the amount of payments for three months.

You need to prove the fact that the children are dependent on you. Confirming documents will be: birth certificates of children, marriage certificate; a court decision on the appointment of alimony for the maintenance of the child (children) and a certificate from the executive service on the absence of arrears for the payment of alimony, the amount of such alimony, or a notarized agreement on the maintenance and determination of the place of residence of the child with you (these are supporting documents regarding the maintenance of your child from the previous marriage).

22.08.2024 13:57

The child support agreement is proof that the father supports the child.

Also, confirmation of the fact that the child is dependent on one of the parents or a guardian is a certificate issued by the local self-government body through the administrative services center at the applicant's place of residence.

21.08.2024 17:09

Ratification of the Rome Statute will make it possible to punish the Russians for their crimes even more effectively; one of the key European integration requirements will be fulfilled. Ukrainian victims of Russian crimes will significantly simplify the process of obtaining access to the ISS Trust Fund. Accordingly, the chance of receiving compensation will increase. Ukraine will gain influence and rights in the ISS. Therefore, citizens of Ukraine will be able to participate in the elections of ICC judges and nominate their candidate.

21.08.2024 17:05

If the military conscript is not issued the results of the VLK, he must contact the Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support with a written request to the name of the manager. In this document, you need to indicate all your data and the date of passing the VLC and request to provide a copy of the results. The request must be made in two copies, so that the copy is marked with the acceptance of this request.

If all other options have been exhausted, you can file a complaint with the Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

15.08.2024 13:59

The doctor must issue a referral for treatment in an inpatient hospital.

15.08.2024 13:58

If you do not agree with the decision of the VLK, you can appeal it.

This question refers more to the competence of VLK doctors.

15.08.2024 13:58

In the absence of registration of the place of residence, it is necessary to apply to the tax service for the place of receipt of income. These requirements apply to all filers, regardless of whether they are filing on their own or on someone else's behalf.