Photo of 30.09.tana2002
06.09.2023 20:10

The following documents and their copies are required to calculate payments:

  1. statement;

  2. passport or other identity document;

  3. a document on the provision of a taxpayer's registration number or a certificate of mandatory state social insurance;

  4. pension certificate;

  5. documents confirming work experience for the period up to 01.01.2004;

  6. certificate of salary (income) until June 30, 2000 (if necessary);

  7. documents certifying a special status (if available), or those that provide grounds for establishing an allowance.

06.09.2023 20:04

In the requirements for candidates who wish to work in the National Police, there is no prohibition on the impossibility of serving in the police with an expunged criminal record (Article 49 of the Law on the National Police).

06.09.2023 20:02

The legislation does not provide for a procedure in this case. But the PFU can carry out a collection by analogy in accordance with the "Procedure for the return of the sums of pensions paid in excess and the write-off of sums of overpayments of pensions that are hopeless for collection".

Recovery (return) of budget funds that arose due to overpaid pension amounts is carried out as follows:

  1. A pensioner voluntarily. The return of budget funds is carried out voluntarily by the person who received an overpaid amount of pension.

  2. Territorial body of the Pension Fund of Ukraine. The return of budget funds is carried out by the territorial body of the PFU by making a decision to withhold overpaid amounts of pensions, in accordance with Appendix 1 to the Procedure for the return of overpaid pensions and writing off overpayments of pensions that are hopeless for collection (item 3).

  3. The local administrative court. Deductions from pensions are carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law on the basis of court decisions, executive inscriptions of notaries.

06.09.2023 19:48

To extend the validity period of the certificates of parents of a large family and a child from a large family, it is necessary to submit copies of children's birth certificates and/or a certificate from an institution of general secondary, professional (vocational-technical), professional pre-university, higher education (for persons over 18 up to 23 years old, if they study full-time).

Therefore, the child's passport is not required to receive this service, so the employee's request is illegitimate. You can appeal the refusal in the district administrative court.

06.09.2023 18:25

In order to refuse the TIN, you can:

  1. online through the state website, filling out the form at this link.

  2. visit the tax office at the place of residence and write an application for a waiver of the tax code.

After that, you need to contact the migration service department to change your passport.

If the passport is in the form of a book, they will make a note about the refusal to assign a personal identification number.

If the passport is a new model with an ID card, the word "REFUSAL" will be written on the back of the card in the RNOCPP field.

06.09.2023 18:08

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Military Obligation and Military Service" (subsection "b" clause 2 part 4 of article 26) and the Regulation on military medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine for dismissal from the ranks of the Armed Forces health You need:

  1. Submit a report on dismissal due to health conditions to the immediate commander. Describe existing health problems in the report; if they occurred as a result of an exacerbation of a chronic disease or previously received injuries/injuries, indicate this. A request should also be made to issue a referral for passing the VLK to establish unfitness for military service. If possible, documents confirming the presence of health problems (discharge from the hospital, medical card, etc.) should be attached to the report.

  2. Get a referral for passing the VLK. The referral is signed at the request of your commander by the chief of staff (from the chief of staff of the regiment and above) or the head of the personnel body (from the head of the personnel department of the association and above) with reference to the decision of the commander of the serviceman who submitted the report. Along with the referral to the VLK, a medical book, a military ID, a 3 x 4 cm photo card without a headdress (when referred for an outpatient examination), as well as a job description for conducting a VLK and a medical description (submitting them in wartime is not mandatory, but for opportunities are recommended to submit). In the case of a referral for an examination due to injuries, injuries, contusions, mutilations received during military service, the original certificate on the circumstances of the injury, injury, contusions or mutilations must also be submitted. It is allowed to provide photocopies of the specified documents, certified by the relevant officials and with the official seal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

  3. Pass the VLK and obtain a conclusion on unfitness due to the state of health. If you are unable to perform your official duties due to your health condition, the VLK may issue a decision on your release from official duties for a period of up to 30 calendar days.

  4. The VLK sends a conclusion based on the results of the medical examination to the head of state. The military personnel service prepares the necessary documents and sends them to the official authorized to make a decision on your dismissal due to health (the commander of the brigade or regiment).

  5. The dismissal order is accepted, it is announced by the commander of your military unit.

  6. You surrender your position, you are removed from the personnel list of the military unit.

  7. Within a 5-day period, you must arrive at the TCC and SP at the chosen place of residence for military registration.

Therefore, in order to be dismissed from the ranks of the Armed Forces due to the state of health, a conclusion of the VLK about unfitness due to the state of health is indispensable. If you do not agree with the conclusion of the VLK, you can appeal it and request to review the conclusion:

  • By the same military medical commission as a repeat or control medical examination;

  • VLKs of regions, cities of Kyiv can review the conclusions of district/city VLKs;

  • TsVLK can review the decisions of any VLK;

  • with the help of a court in the order of administrative proceedings.

06.09.2023 17:55

In this case, you first need to apply to the commission for labor disputes with a statement in which you will outline the circumstances of the case and the conflict that has arisen. If the commission refuses to consider or the appeal does not yield results, you can also file a claim with the court.

06.09.2023 17:48

Maybe, but under certain conditions.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Ensuring the Rights and Freedoms of Internally Displaced Persons", employment of internally displaced persons is allowed on general grounds.

Regarding the employment of persons who have not resigned from their previous place of work, there are two options that have a regulatory basis:

  1. First, carry out the dismissal procedure, in accordance with Article 7 of Law No. 1706-VII. Then get a job on general grounds based on an application or an employment contract.

  2. The employer accepts the employee upon application. In the application, the employee must indicate how to accept him at the main place of work or part-time.

04.09.2023 20:24

According to Article 40 of the Code of Labor Laws, absenteeism is absence from work for more than three hours during the working day without valid reasons.

Since you had valid reasons for absence and have documents confirming your stay in the hospital, you have every reason to report a criminal offense.

According to Article 172 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the illegal dismissal of an employee for personal reasons is a gross violation of labor legislation and is punishable by a fine of two thousand to three thousand non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens or deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years, or corrective works for a period of up to two years.

04.09.2023 19:48

Yes, legitimate.

There is such a concept as the monetization of travel, that is, payment of the benefit of free travel with money. You can receive compensation through the social security body at the place of registration of the person. If you receive a pension or social benefits through a social security agency, the funds from the monetization of the fare will be automatically transferred to your account.

If you live in an area where monetization is not implemented, in this case it will be necessary to purchase a ticket, to indicate on it the name of the driver or other person who accepted the payment; affix the signature of the driver or other person who accepted the payment; the stamp of the company that carries out the transportation, as well as indicate the date of the trip, the name of the settlement and apply to the local self-government body at the place of residence with an application for reimbursement of travel expenses, attach a ticket to the application.

If you did not like the cashier's service, you can file a complaint with his management.