Photo of 30.09.tana2002
03.07.2023 15:41

According to Polish legislation, foreigners can purchase real estate. For this, a sales contract is concluded. The contract between the parties (buyer and seller) can be signed in the form of a civil law contract or through the mediation of a notary.

The contract can be signed immediately or in two stages:

  1. Preliminary contract of sale and then the main contract of sale. In the agreement, the notary specifies the procedure for settlements between the parties and the cost of notarial services in accordance with the rates specified in the orders of the Minister of Justice. According to the legislation, if the party does not know the Polish language at all, the presence of a sworn translator may be necessary.

  2. If cash is available (including funds on a bank card from which payments can be made), a sales contract can be signed immediately. The same can be done with confirmation from the bank regarding the granting of a loan.

Permission of the Ministry for the purchase of real estate in Poland:

The provisions of the legislation separately determine the procedure for buying real estate by a foreigner without the permission of the Minister of Internal Affairs and the procedure that requires such permission.

A permit is not required if a foreigner:

  1. plans to buy an apartment in an apartment building or a garage. You can buy real estate while staying in Poland on legal grounds (visa, residence permit or permanent residence, or residence permit of a long-term resident of the EU), or while staying outside Poland;

  2. has lived in Poland for at least 5 years from the date of obtaining a permanent residence permit or a long-term EU resident's residence permit;

  3. is married to a Polish citizen and has lived in Poland for at least 2 years (from the date of granting a permanent residence permit or a long-term EU resident's residence permit), and the purchased real estate will be jointly owned by the spouses;

  4. is a citizen or entrepreneur of countries that are parties to the European Economic Area Agreement or countries of the Swiss Confederation.

  5. Permission is required:

  6. If a foreigner wants to buy real estate (a house) built on land in Poland, or an apartment in the border zone, regardless of his legal status in Poland, he must obtain the permission of the Minister of Internal Affairs to purchase real estate.

The permit is issued:

  1. A permit for the purchase of real estate is issued by the Minister of Internal Affairs through an administrative decision based on a foreigner's application if:

  2. The acquisition of real estate does not pose a threat to defense capability, state security, or public order, and also does not contradict social policy and health protection;

There are circumstances that confirm his ties as a foreigner to the Republic of Poland. Such circumstances can be:

1) Polish nationality or Polish origin;

2) marital relations with a Polish citizen;

3) permission to:

a) temporary residence, with the exception of persons who received a residence card as a victim of human trafficking and as a person whose presence was required by public authorities in Poland;

b) permanent stay in Poland;

c) stay of a long-term EU resident;

4) membership in the management body of a business association or legal entity specified in Article 1, Clause 2: Subclause 4;

5) performing economic or agricultural activities on the territory of Poland in accordance with Polish legislation.

To obtain a permit to purchase real estate, you need:

  • Application

  • Certificate of payment of state tax in the amount of 1,570 Polish zlotys

  • Package of documents:

  • photocopy of the document certifying the identity of the buyer;

  • current legal documentation of real estate;

  • the seller's statement of readiness to sell real estate and a preliminary agreement, if such was concluded;

  • confirmation of the availability of financial means for the purchase of real estate and/or a certificate from the bank about creditworthiness;

  • a certificate from the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) and the tax administration on the absence of arrears from mandatory contributions (Certificate of fulfillment of tax obligations to the State Treasury);

  • data and legal grounds for the purchase of real estate located on the territory of Poland, if it already belongs to a foreigner.

03.07.2023 15:20

Requirements for opening an account abroad are different. They depend not only on the country, but also on the bank.

Most often, to open an account in a foreign bank, it is necessary to provide a standard package of documents:

  • passport,

  • document on registration of place of residence,

  • permission to stay legally in the country.

According to local legislation, each bank may require its own list of documents, which may differ significantly from the requirements of Ukrainian banks.

Regarding Poland, you can open an account there without visiting a bank. But banks often require to provide:

  • Polish individual tax number,

  • address of residence in Poland,

  • valid visa or other documents confirming the legality of stay in the country.

03.07.2023 15:12

The rights and obligations of spouses are determined by the Family Code of Ukraine.

Duties of spouses include:

  1. The duty to care for the family.

Spouses are obliged to jointly take care of building family relations between themselves and other family members based on feelings of mutual love, respect, friendship, and mutual assistance. Wife and husband are responsible to each other, to other members of the family for their behavior in it. Spouses are obliged to jointly take care of the financial support of the family.

  1. The wife and husband must financially support each other

  2. Mutual participation of the wife and husband in the costs of treatment

The wife and husband are mutually obliged to participate in expenses related to the illness or disability of the other spouse.

03.07.2023 15:05

Squeeze-out means crowding out minority shareholders. That is, the procedure provides that the dominant shareholder has the right to send the company a public irrevocable demand for the purchase of shares from all other owners of the company's shares together with a copy of the contract concluded with the banking institution in which the escrow account has been opened.

Sell-out - the right of minority shareholders to buy back their shares. Minority shareholders are given the right to demand from the shareholder-owner of 95% of the company's shares the mandatory purchase at a fair price of their shares.

03.07.2023 14:55

In Ukraine, there are a number of housing benefits for combatants and their families, but there are no benefits for veterans during customs clearance, although this is in the plans.

03.07.2023 14:46

The Law on Mobilization Training and Mobilization that you mentioned, namely Article 25, reads as follows: conscripts who have a wife (husband) from among persons with disabilities and/or one of their parents are not subject to conscription for military service during mobilization: or parents of a spouse (husband) from among persons with disabilities of the I or II group, provided that such persons with disabilities do not have other able-bodied persons obliged by law to support them.

*Therefore, if, in addition to your husband, there are no other able-bodied persons obliged by law to support the father, then your husband will NOT be subject to mobilization. *

As for the sister, prepare in advance documents-evidence that the sister has been living abroad for many years. For example, the response of the Migration Service of Ukraine, etc. And in case of questions at TCC and JV, you will provide them with these documents.

03.07.2023 14:31

According to the resolution of the CMU "On approval of the Rules for crossing the state border by citizens of Ukraine" in case of introduction on the territory of Ukraine in a state of emergency or martial law, the following persons have the right to cross the state border: persons who have a wife (husband) from among persons with disabilities and accompany such a wife (husband) to leave Ukraine, in the presence of documents (notarized copies thereof) confirming family connections, disability.

03.07.2023 14:17

After concluding a contract with the military, payment for utility services and consumed energy is made by the military part at the expense of the estimate of the Ministry of Defense under the terms of the concluded contract (paragraph 2, item 2 of Section 9 [Instructions on the organization of providing living quarters for servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and their family members] (

In the absence of energy, heat, and water metering devices, the contract specifies consumption rates for the dormitory of this settlement.

30.06.2023 19:59

** The Supreme Court of Ukraine**.

The following are members of the Supreme Court:

  1. The Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court;

  2. Cassation Administrative Court;

  3. Cassation Commercial Court;

  4. Criminal Court of Cassation;

  5. Civil court of cassation.

The main function of the court of cassation is to check the legality and reasonableness of contested (protested) court decisions of the first instance after their revision in the appellate procedure.

30.06.2023 19:49

Part 7 of Article 223 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine establishes: the investigator, the prosecutor is obliged to invite at least two disinterested persons (understood) for presentation of a person, corpse or thing for identification, examination of a corpse, including exhumation, investigative experiment, examination of a person. Exceptions are the cases of continuous video recording of the course of the corresponding investigative (search) action. Subjects may be invited to participate in other procedural actions, if the investigator, prosecutor considers it appropriate.

If a police officer deliberately did not comply with the above-mentioned article, you should inform his supervisor about it.