Photo of 30.09.tana2002
11.08.2023 15:23

Of course you can.

You just need to submit an application to the court to leave the case without consideration due to the fact that the father has already written an application for deduction of alimony from wages.

11.08.2023 15:11

Yes, if you belong to one of the groups listed in Article 1241 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. The right to a mandatory share in the inheritance has minors, minors, adult disabled children of the testator, disabled widow (widower) and disabled parents inherit, regardless of the content of the will, half of the share that would belong to each of them in case of inheritance by law (provided lingual part).

The size of the mandatory share in the inheritance may be reduced by the court, taking into account the relationship between these heirs and the testator, as well as other circumstances that are of significant importance.

11.08.2023 14:54

Thus, in accordance with Part 1 of Article 232 of the Family Code of Ukraine, from the moment of adoption, personal and property rights and obligations between the parents and the adopted person, as well as between her and her other relatives by origin, are terminated. Therefore, your brother does not have to pay alimony anymore.

Your brother, as the child's biological father, can apply to the court in which the adoption decision was made to receive a copy of the court decision on this case, indicating that the decision is needed to cancel the payment of alimony.

11.08.2023 14:42

Legally, then hardly.

First of all, you need both an original and a copy of your passport to apply for care. Secondly, if you are a capable person, can be aware of your actions, but need care due to a health condition, your consent is required. Therefore, you also need to write a statement to appoint a person who will provide you with permanent care.

10.08.2023 15:08

Unfortunately no.

Even if you don't have disputes about the divorce, you don't have children together, you will be divorced at the RAC in at least a month. After all, in accordance with Article 15 of the Law of Ukraine "On State Registration of Civil Status Acts", state registration of divorce is carried out after the expiration of one month from the date of submission of the relevant application to the RACS bodies.

Through the court, the divorce can last even longer. The overall divorce process, including filing a lawsuit, waiting for a trial, and receiving a final court decision, usually takes 3 to 6 months.

10.08.2023 14:46

You can, if it is written directly in the power of attorney.

10.08.2023 14:39

You can show the employees of the TCC and JV a student card or other document confirming full-time study at a hospital. But keep in mind that the law does not prohibit serving subpoenas on college and university students.

In this case, the student will need to visit the military commissariat and submit a certificate of enrollment as a full-time student of higher education along with an application in an arbitrary form for granting a deferment. The TCC will grant a postponement and return the military registration document with a mark.

Students need the following documents to attend TCC and JV:

  • passport;

  • military ID;

  • student ID;

  • a certificate of enrollment as a full-time student.

10.08.2023 14:28

If the owner of the apartment or block in which you are registered is in Ukraine, you will only need to send him a statement certified by the Consulate that you agree to deregistration. He will have full right to carry out the deregistration procedure even without your presence.

If you are the sole owner of the home in which you are registered, then you have the opportunity at the Consulate to issue a power of attorney for someone who is currently in Ukraine and has the opportunity to carry out the procedure for deregistration of the place of residence for you.

10.08.2023 14:18

Documents for the assignment of maternity benefits are considered no later than three working days from the date of their receipt (7 days after the opening of sick leave).

Funds are deposited into the employer's account within a few banking days after financing.

After the employer has received the funds from the PFU, he must pay the maternity allowance to his employee in the nearest period after the date of the allowance, established for the payment of wages.

If the funds continue to fail, you can go to court. For this, you will need to submit an application with three attachments:

  • a letter of appeal to the relevant body with a request to pay the funds;

  • letter-reply from the institution - refusal or formal reason for non-payment of funds;

pre-trial claim - a request to pay the money, otherwise you will go to court.

10.08.2023 14:09

According to subparagraph 9 of paragraph 61 of the Resolution of the CMU "On approval of the sample, technical description of the form and the Procedure for issuing, issuing, exchanging, canceling, sending, withdrawing, returning to the state, invalidating and destroying a temporary residence permit", the territorial body/territorial unit of the State Department of Internal Affairs refuses a foreigner or a stateless person in the process of issuing or issuing a passport, in the event that the fact of submission by a foreigner or a stateless person of knowingly false information or forged documents is established.