If a shell just flew in and killed my mother at home, can I still be mobilized?
A man is registered for military service, then the reservation is made at the company for up to 25 days, and can he be served with a summons at this time? Before receiving the armor?
...period from the front line?
Is there a regulatory document that establishes these terms?
And if the ticket is in the Military Committee, is a substitute needed?
If he did not serve (art. 17 b), but is now conscripted, he does not provide documents on disability to the military commissariat 2 gr. mother received in May 2023. Can the mother herself submit these documents? We live together. Does failure to submit documents on the change of mother's status entail any fines?
There were problems in the military enlistment office to withdraw from the military register. Will there be problems when crossing the border, or does deregistration no longer matter?