
14.04.2023 13:23

... of local self-government, and the woman demands from me (because I am a member of her family, namely a husband) that I also provide her with my income data and where I work, but I do not want to provide this data, questions or Do I have the right? According to which law? And will the woman have problems if she does not provide information about my place of work and income?

11.04.2023 20:51

I lost my certificate for the 11th grade, I lost it 5 years ago, the school in which I received it is no longer there, what should I do?

20.04.2023 22:14

I saw the following article - https://zib.com.ua/ua/155719-advokata_zachinili_v_sudi.html

In addition to the fact that the lawyer can call the hotline of the committee, are there any other measures of influence on court employees?