For Car Owners

11.07.2023 18:30

what documents are needed to register a car in mreo for a charity organization?

10.07.2023 20:53

There is a three-year power of attorney from a legal entity to an individual to dispose of a car, which contains the full name of the individual and the registered place of residence, which was valid at the time the power of attorney was issued (September 2022).

The individual changed his registered place of residence in June 2023.

In connection with such a change, has this power of attorney become invalid? Do you need to make a new one?

06.07.2023 20:45

I parked in the general parking lot near the shopping center. There was an orange chip in my place, I removed it, because I suspect that it is illegal to put such chips in a public parking lot. When I left the mall, the car was gone, the parking attendant said that the tow truck had taken it. Now I have to pay a fine of 1,900. This is all illegal, I was standing in the parking lot, and the car was taken away by a tow truck on call. What shall I do?

02.07.2023 21:25

...but I ordered new ones in Ukraine and they should arrive soon, the police said that they would call at the end of June and that I should bring them and show them that I have the licenses, they went to the database and said that I don't have a driving ban, but they said to bring the licenses, if not, the case will go to court, what should be done in such a situation?

29.06.2023 11:35

I got into an accident through no fault of my own. What are my first steps?