For Car Owners

26.07.2023 18:43

How to get a driver's license after being deprived of the right to drive vehicles in accordance with Art. 130?

25.07.2023 20:23

I bought a car abroad with a right-hand drive, is it necessary to convert the car in this case, and are there laws in Ukraine that prohibit the right-hand drive?

25.07.2023 10:06

...agreed, but they tell me already late that half of the protocol is filled, they didn't even offer to go to the medical institution.

The protocol was handed over to me in part 1.130 of Article 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure!

They say wait for the message and the court.

What are the options, please tell me?

20.07.2023 20:44

I bought a car on consignment, at the very first stop the inspector said that the car was stolen. Of course, I didn't know anything when I bought it. Will I have any responsibility for the purchase?

19.07.2023 20:36

I want to sell the car, but the power of attorney has expired. Where should I go to have it renewed?

18.07.2023 19:00

Congratulations. I parked the car near the market, there were a lot of people like me standing in line. I went to the market for 10 minutes, came back, and there was a piece of paper saying a fine, and I had to pay it. Please tell me, is this fine issued legally? I wasn't there. Can I refuse to pay this fine?

18.07.2023 18:41

There is a car loan, the balance on it is small, the bank still requires CASCO, but this year the CASCO amount is 1/5 of the loan balance, rates have increased significantly. There are no overdues. The car is already 4 years old. Is it possible somehow not to pay CASCO on legal grounds? Are there any wartime concessions?