
27.07.2023 10:04

Can I take sick leave and then use the vacation days that were on sick leave?

14.07.2023 18:21

The man is now in the Armed Forces, he is going to leave for family reasons. Before the war, he worked as a miner, but he had the right to 70 days of vacation a year, can he go on vacation after his dismissal and return to his main place of work?

13.07.2023 10:06

...if the report on the granting of medical leave by decision of the VLK, signed two days ago, the immediate commander does not inform him about it, and the serviceman learns about it by accident?

10.07.2023 15:07

... only she), work experience at the time of going on sick leave - 2.5 years. During this time, she was not given a single day of paid sick leave or vacation.

Question: how to get compensation for unused vacation days?

Any chance?

I understand that according to the law they have to pay, but taking into account the fact that this is not an enterprise, but she is the only one of the registered people, there are doubts

02.07.2023 17:26

...the composition of the court is appointed. However, the judge is going on vacation soon. Will proceedings be opened during the judge's vacation (ie, without the judge's physical presence)?

02.07.2023 09:43

Good day. I am a civil servant in local self-government. I want to open a company and transfer it to management. Can it be done while on vacation? In order not to be fired, Tayak is portrayed as an armored employee.
