Do bloggers in Ukraine need to pay taxes?
ended in November and until now. I work in Poland.
Good day. Such a situation:
Buda, a citizen of Ukraine, was born in Russia, and the birth certificate was issued by Russia. This certificate is now lost. Is it possible to somehow claim it (a duplicate) from Russia now, or do we need to go to court to establish the fact of birth. It is interesting that there is a copy of this document, but it is not certified.
... namely in Slovakia. The one who gives is in Ukraine. I understand that a power of attorney is needed to receive real estate (as a gift). Because the gifted person cannot be present at the donation act in Ukraine.
To the embassy by e-mail it is not possible to sign up for a queue. There are always no vacancies
Is there an option to have this power of attorney approved by a notary in Slovakia?
It is necessary that this contract - document be sent by a notary from Ukraine by e-mail. mail, and in Slovakia, where to go with this document?
And also - should the notary abroad be foreign or Ukrainian?