Why does "Repay loan debt" appear on the payment card in the Ochda 24 application? The card is not a credit card, I did not take a loan, what is it?
Do they have to provide me with the contract and calculations of my loan payment and how the debt was calculated. So how did I lose my documents during martial law and do not remember how much was paid?
If Privat sued for a loan, the only recourse is to pay, or are there other legal ways to delay payment?
There is a car loan, the balance on it is small, the bank still requires CASCO, but this year the CASCO amount is 1/5 of the loan balance, rates have increased significantly. There are no overdues. The car is already 4 years old. Is it possible somehow not to pay CASCO on legal grounds? Are there any wartime concessions?
…in an enterprise, such as issuing shares or obtaining a loan?
I have an overdue bank loan.
The bank appealed to the court with a lawsuit to collect the debt.
The trial is scheduled for the end of August.
I have already paid 2/3 of the debt on the credit card.
I plan to pay in full by the end of July.
Please let me know if the bank can withdraw the lawsuit in this case?
Do I need to write a letter to the court that I will pay the bank in full by the end of the month?
Is it possible not to pay the court fee in this case?