
08.05.2023 16:08

... where does he spend? Is there such a possibility without a long fuss in the courts?

05.05.2023 23:46

... if I want to leave her abroad with my sister in the summer, and return to Ukraine myself. Will it be enough to have a power of attorney from me alone, that my sister is responsible for my child's life during the child's stay abroad.

05.05.2023 22:42

Am I entitled to a deferment if I have a disabled child, but I am divorced from my wife and do not live with the child. I constantly drop child support money to my ex-wife.

04.05.2023 21:11

... deprive of parental rights?

He doesn't pay alimony, somehow he doesn't learn anything in the life of the child, but if I definitely have to go abroad without his permission, I won't be able to go anywhere with the child.

02.05.2023 18:57

... Ukraine, tell me what documents are drawn up in Ukraine for a child, and is a father needed if we are not registered to make the documents?

02.05.2023 18:52

...documents regarding the maintenance of three children by the husband, there was one ambiguity. It is given: a family, three minor children, living in the same family, but one child of the wife from the first marriage. The biological father of this child does not pay alimony, because in the case of a divorce the wife did not file a lawsuit to collect alimony from her ex-husband. From the documents: marriage certificate, birth certificates of all three children, certificate of a large family.

What documents can be used to establish or confirm the maintenance of an illegitimate child? Which body, in general, issues such certificates?

22.04.2023 00:39

... I don't have money to decorate the house. Can I temporarily assign the child to another person in order to make a passport for the child?

18.04.2023 14:43

The child's parents are divorced.

The local notary said that the presence of both parents is required. Is it really so or is one mother enough?
