
02.05.2023 18:52

...documents regarding the maintenance of three children by the husband, there was one ambiguity. It is given: a family, three minor children, living in the same family, but one child of the wife from the first marriage. The biological father of this child does not pay alimony, because in the case of a divorce the wife did not file a lawsuit to collect alimony from her ex-husband. From the documents: marriage certificate, birth certificates of all three children, certificate of a large family.

What documents can be used to establish or confirm the maintenance of an illegitimate child? Which body, in general, issues such certificates?

18.04.2023 15:40

... charity/in addition to the Armed Forces, how is it legal to make such deductions?

What would be possible to place information about this in open sources?

17.04.2023 15:25

... has a disability. Low-income families received help. They are registered as IDPs and currently assistance is automatically extended due to martial law. Last month, they registered a marriage with a second husband. Is it necessary to apply to the local social security for the purpose of re-registration of assistance, or can it be done after the abolition of martial law?

05.04.2023 22:56

... is the father of three children belonging to his wife, if he is appointed guardian of those children?

03.04.2023 17:40

They divorced, two minor children stayed with their mother, the court increased the share of the wife in the process of dividing the property in the interests of the children. Is it possible to appeal this after the children come of age?
