How can the head of the organization or the members of the management be suspended..?


...the body in case of ineffective management or non-compliance with legal requirements?

08.06.2023 11:23 432


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Such issues are considered by the commission on labor disputes or the conciliation commission. These commissions consider and resolve labor disputes that arise between an employee and an employer or a body authorized by him, regarding the violation of the rights and legitimate interests of employees.

The commission on labor disputes is elected by the general meeting (conference) of the labor team of the enterprise, institution, organization with the number of employees at least 15 people. If less than 15 people work at the enterprise, the commission for labor disputes is not created and the employee has the right to apply for the resolution of the labor dispute directly to the district, district in the city (city-district) court.

Since a special legal regime is currently in effect in Ukraine, the labor dispute commission cannot be created and function in relation to the violation and protection of the rights and interests of employees.

08.06.2023 17:05


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