Can a child, upon reaching the age of 14, change his surname without the consent of his father..?


...if the latter does not take part in upbringing for 12 years and has alimony debts of more than 50 thousand?

07.06.2023 20:04 516


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

From the age of 16, a child has the right to change his surname and first name at his own discretion, without asking the permission of his parents and guardians.

However, in accordance with Article 295 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, an individual who has reached fourteen years of age has the right to change his surname and (or) his first name, and (or) his patronymic with the consent of his parents.

An individual who has reached the age of fourteen has the right to change his surname and (or) first name, and (or) patronymic with the consent of one of his parents, if the other parent:

  1. died;

  2. recognized as unaccountably absent;

  3. declared dead;

  4. recognized as having limited legal capacity;

  5. recognized as incapable;

  6. deprived of parental rights in relation to this child;

  7. information about the child's father (mother) is excluded from the act record of his birth;

  8. information about the husband as the child's father is included in the birth certificate at the request of the mother.

If one of the parents objects to the change of the child's patronymic, the dispute regarding such a change may be resolved by the guardianship body or the court.

When resolving a dispute, the parents' performance of their duties towards the child and other circumstances are taken into account, certifying the conformity of the change in the father's name to the interests of the child.

07.06.2023 22:31

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