What changes did the council make to Art. 177 of the Family Code?

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14.07.2023 18:38 335


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

The latest changes to Article 177 of the Family Code of Ukraine concerned its second paragraph, part two.

By Law No. 1871-IX dated November 5, 2021, the following changes were made to the above article:

in the second paragraph of the second part of Article 177, the words "including agreements on the division or exchange of a residential building, apartment" should be replaced by the words "regarding property, the owner (co-owner) and/or user of which is a child".

That is, in accordance with the above changes, paragraph 2 of part 2 of Article 177 of the Family Code of Ukraine reads as follows: "Parents of a minor child do not have the right, without the permission of the body of guardianship and custody, to enter into contracts that are subject to notarization and (or) state registration, regarding property, the owner (co-owner) and/or user of which is the child".

15.07.2023 21:51


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