PRO account

What do I get with the PRO account?
You will get ability to have the contacts block, photos for the profile and to answer all questions on the website.

Which contacts can I set?
Main types of contacts:
— Phone number
— Email
Social networks:
— Facebook
— Instagram
— LinkedIn
— Telegram
— WhatsApp
— Viber
— Facebook's Messenger

Which photos can I set in my profile?
— Main photo which will be seen by all visitors in your questions and answers
— Background photo on your profile (large photo)

Is PRO account free?
No, this feature is paid. At the moment, we offer an individual plan for all lawyers and attorneys.

Pricing policy:

The price is 4,999 UAH per a month.

— We are using Google Analytics to gather information about the number of clicks to your contacts per each channel (phone number, email, social network, or messenger).
— When the number of clicks is more than 100, we are adding additional charges.
— This mechanism is called CPC (cost per click). Price of a click depends on each individual specialisation and we set it individually.
— We provide detailed reports about how many clicks were to your contacts.

Additional information:
— If you have a part-time job in a public organization and provide consultations for free then the amount can be lowered individually.
— If you are a student then the amount can be lowered individually.
— We are sending 30% of the amount to the Come Back Alive fund.