Photo of nastus.nik
02.05.2023 18:52

...documents regarding the maintenance of three children by the husband, there was one ambiguity. It is given: a family, three minor children, living in the same family, but one child of the wife from the first marriage. The biological father of this child does not pay alimony, because in the case of a divorce the wife did not file a lawsuit to collect alimony from her ex-husband. From the documents: marriage certificate, birth certificates of all three children, certificate of a large family.

What documents can be used to establish or confirm the maintenance of an illegitimate child? Which body, in general, issues such certificates?

02.05.2023 18:50

... of care, because he is not a group 1 or 2 disabled person. But the grandmother has a certificate of the LKK about the need for constant outside care, 80 years old, war invalid, group 3. Lives with his only son, who takes care of him. Should they accept?

01.05.2023 21:41

... 16 years old, should be 17 in the summer, has been in Poland since the beginning of the war, now wants to go to Ukraine to graduate from school and return to Poland to enter higher education here. Question: is it necessary to register for the military when moving to Ukraine? Will there be any problems with returning to Poland at the Ukrainian border? It will be there for Sunday - two no longer.

01.05.2023 21:35

... economy, water supply and the like, to take photos and videos in my private household (in this case, a privatized apartment)? I was not asked for verbal or written permission, and I learned about the very fact that the meter was being recorded on a mobile phone only a day later. On the fact of this video recording of the meter, an act was drawn up, which I did not sign. Now they plan to charge a fine for the so-called "left inset", which they did not find (because it does not exist!). How to prove the absence of such a mythical inset? Was this video recording legal and can it serve as any kind of evidence? Will it be possible to challenge this fine in court?