... an extract from the ACTION or should it be taken only in the administration?
... one was rejected, and apparently this is the only potential successor?
... a medical error? What are the legal mechanisms for determining the amount of compensation and payment settlement procedures?
...qualification of medical personnel? What are the legal requirements for licensing medical facilities and certification of medical professionals?
...your family? What are the patient's rights to receive copies of medical documents and the rules for their transfer?
... insufficient level of medical care? What are the procedures for submitting a complaint to the relevant authorities and protecting one's rights in such situations?
... etc. I have, the operation was performed poorly, after the operation the nose is crooked to the right side, it is not easier to breathe, can the hospital pay for my repeated rhinoplasty, and what should I do with this situation?
Now they want a fine for an illegal call.
How to remove an article and avoid a fine, or at least make it minimal?