Photo of lorina200215
06.03.2024 11:43

nemo dat qui non habet - he who does not have does not give.

06.03.2024 11:20

nòlens volens - whether you want it or not.

06.03.2024 11:19

nòmen jùris - legal concept, legal term.

06.03.2024 11:19

non jurìdicus - not legal.

06.03.2024 11:18

not (non) in èsse - non-existent.

06.03.2024 11:18

novàtio - novation, repayment of one obligation by another.

06.03.2024 11:17

nuda pàctio obligatiònem non pàrit - a promise alone does not create a legal obligation.

06.03.2024 11:17

nùllius jùris - without legal consequences.

06.03.2024 11:16

nùllum inìquum est praesumèndum in jùre - in law there is no presumption for injustice.

06.03.2024 11:13

nùnquam fìctio sine lège - there is no fiction without law [more precisely: without law].