lex loci contràctus - the law of the place of the contract.
lex lòci delìctus - the law of the place of the crime.
lex rèi sìtae - the law of the location of the object of the deed [more precisely: the law of the location of the thing].
lex lòci solutiònis - the law of the place of performance of the obligation.
lex mercatòria - trade law [in modern law, this concept, in addition to its main meaning, also has an additional, broader and multi-meaning: in particular, it often refers to the entire heterogeneous array of general principles and specific rules contained in domestic and international sources (including those of a recommendatory nature), including those developed by authoritative international organizations) or developed by judicial practice, as well as expressed in customs aimed at private law regulation, development and promotion of international trade and foreign economic activity].
Currently, the rules of the Criminal Procedure Code do not provide for the possibility of verifying the truthfulness of the testimony of a person (suspect or accused) using a polygraph (lie detector) or accepting the information obtained in this way as evidence. Today, it is possible to use the polygraph only in a narrow professional circle. Therefore, the results of using a polygraph are not evidence within the meaning of Art. 84 of the Criminal Procedure Code, and in criminal proceedings they can be used only in combination with other appropriate and admissible evidence.
lex repròbat mòriam - the law does not approve of procrastination.
lìterae procuratòriae - authority, power of attorney.