Photo of lorina200215
06.03.2024 19:03

fòrma dat èsse (rei) - form gives being (things).

06.03.2024 19:02

fòrma legàlis forma essentiàlis - the legal form is the essential form.

06.03.2024 19:01

fìdem (fides) - power of attorney, trust.

06.03.2024 19:01

finàlis concòrdia - the final agreement of the parties.

06.03.2024 19:00

flagrànte bèllo - while the war was or is going on.

06.03.2024 18:59

fiat justìtia, perèat mundus - let justice be done.

06.03.2024 18:59

fictiòne jùris - legal fiction.

06.03.2024 18:58

fìde—jùssor - guarantor.

06.03.2024 18:56

fàctum reputàbitur voluntàte - the action is evaluated depending on the intention.

06.03.2024 18:56

fàtum - unfulfilled strength.