I have an overdue bank loan.
The bank appealed to the court with a lawsuit to collect the debt.
The trial is scheduled for the end of August.
I have already paid 2/3 of the debt on the credit card.
I plan to pay in full by the end of July.
Please let me know if the bank can withdraw the lawsuit in this case?
Do I need to write a letter to the court that I will pay the bank in full by the end of the month?
Is it possible not to pay the court fee in this case?
Good day! A grandmother from the occupied territory died. The death certificate is from the Russian Federation, not from the newly occupied territories. I live in Ukraine.
How to inherit?
Good afternoon, is a power of attorney required for a child if he/she travels with an adult sibling?
You need to apply for alimony. Is it possible to do it online? They left the country with the child after the war. The child's father has also been working abroad for many years. We are in different countries.
Good day. Please advise on such a question. We have three heirs. Can one of the heirs give his share to another? Is the consent of the third heir required for this? If possible, what documents are required to issue a gift certificate? Can the donor later change his mind and revoke the gift? If so, how long after the gift certificate is issued?
An open crushed stone quarry was flooded. The right to use it was given by the village council in 2007 for 20 years, nobody did anything there, everyone swims there in the summer. But now the owner decided to pump out water and extract stone, then make crushed stone from it. It will all be with explosive works, respectively. This flooded quarry is 415m to residential buildings, 850m to the school, 30m to the river!!!, 40m to the railway (Lviv-Kyiv). Do they have the right to do so and where can people go to ban blasting? Especially since the war.
There is a three-year power of attorney from a legal entity to an individual to dispose of a car, which contains the full name of the individual and the registered place of residence, which was valid at the time the power of attorney was issued (September 2022).
The individual changed his registered place of residence in June 2023.
In connection with such a change, has this power of attorney become invalid? Do you need to make a new one?
If I have Ukrainian status and apply for a Canadian visa, will this somehow affect the status of my stay in Poland and my documents?
Thank you. The visa was issued in Ukraine, but I did not have time to paste it.
What laws regulate joint stock companies?