Is it possible to be released from service (mobilized) if there are 2 children and the woman is pregnant with the third?
Tell me, please, can I be fined for taking a long time to pass the VLK? The military commander said that if I don't pass in 10 days, he will issue me fines.
There is a car loan, the balance on it is small, the bank still requires CASCO, but this year the CASCO amount is 1/5 of the loan balance, rates have increased significantly. There are no overdues. The car is already 4 years old. Is it possible somehow not to pay CASCO on legal grounds? Are there any wartime concessions?
There is a man with disability group 1, bedridden. His wife has a power of attorney to manage all his affairs. They have a son who is the owner of the house in which the father must be registered. If the son makes a power of attorney for his mother, will she be able to register her husband at the new address of residence in TsNAP without the presence of the owner of both powers of attorney?
Please let me know that the RTCC received a request for the company to provide information on citizens of Ukraine for the purpose of clarifying the military registration data of those working at the company.
Is such a request mandatory? What is the response procedure?
A request has been received by e-mail, should we provide a response
Good afternoon, if the apartment is bought for two (son + mother)
The son is getting married and wants to register his wife and newborn child.
The mother is against registration, does not give consent.
Is it possible to register a wife and child without the consent of the mother-in-law (co-owner)?
The marriage was dissolved in 2017, she filed for alimony through the court, an application to the executive service, but there are no payments, where to turn?