Photo of 30.09.tana2002
20.09.2023 08:15

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the application of norms for the period of martial law" some relaxations in terms of credit obligations are provided for, namely:

  • During martial law, creditors are not responsible for late payment of loans.

  • The bank cannot charge any penalty or fine. Any penalties, fines, etc. charged by the bank for late payment of the loan, starting from February 24, 2022, the bank must write off.

  • In case of late payment of the loan, the interest rate does not increase.

Such changes are effective during the entire period of martial law and within 30 days after its end.

20.09.2023 08:04

Yes, it will be valid. In order to conclude a lease agreement, it is not necessary to register it anywhere, and therefore to contact the authorities of Ukraine. The contract is concluded in writing between the lessor and the lessee.

Perhaps this information will be useful for you, that in accordance with part 6 of Article 762 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the tenant is exempt from rent for the entire time during which he could not use the rented property due to circumstances for which he is not responsible.

20.09.2023 07:52

According to the Law of Ukraine "On the Privatization of Communal and State Property", objects of state property located in the temporarily occupied territories are not subject to privatization until the full restoration of the constitutional order of Ukraine in the temporarily occupied territories.

19.09.2023 12:24

In accordance with Law No. 2256-IX, it is forbidden during martial law to carry out compulsory collection of debts for housing and communal services from individuals.

19.09.2023 12:18

If forced, you can first apply to them with a statement and attached evidence of applying to them and notification of maternity leave.

If they refuse, then with this refusal you can go to court and appeal.

19.09.2023 12:14

In this case, you can offer the employer to suspend the contract in accordance with Article 13 of the Labor Code "On the Organization of Labor Relations in Martial Law".

Suspension of the employment contract is a temporary termination by the employer of providing the employee with a job and a temporary termination of the employee's performance of the work under the concluded employment contract in connection with the armed aggression against Ukraine, which excludes the possibility of both sides of the employment relationship to fulfill the obligations stipulated in the employment contract.

Suspension of the employment contract can be carried out at the initiative of one of the parties for a period no longer than the period of martial law. In the case of a decision to cancel the suspension of the employment contract until the termination or cancellation of martial law, the employer must notify the employee of the need to start work 10 calendar days before the resumption of the employment contract.

The suspension of the employment contract does not entail the termination of the employment relationship.

19.09.2023 10:17

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the application of norms during the period of martial law":

  1. During martial law, creditors are not responsible for late payment of loans.

  2. The bank cannot charge any penalty or fine. Any penalties, fines, etc. charged by the bank for late payment of the loan, starting from February 24, 2022, the bank must write off.

Such changes are effective during the entire period of martial law and within 30 days after its end.

Therefore, you have every reason to appeal to the court regarding the violation of the law by the bank.

19.09.2023 10:11

In this case, you can apply to the court with an appropriate statement of claim.

19.09.2023 10:08

If the surname has changed, the following documents must be replaced within a month:

  • passport of a citizen of Ukraine;

  • passport for traveling abroad;

  • taxpayer registration card (RNOKPP);

  • driver's license;

In addition to the above list, there are a number of documents that also need to be amended if they are available:

  • data in the voter register

  • medical cards and insurance policy

  • car registration and insurance

  • bank contracts, cards and accounts

  • will and registration documents of the entrepreneur.

Documents that do not need to be changed after changing the surname:

  • occupational license

  • documents about education

  • documents establishing the right to property.

A child's birth certificate is not a document that must be changed. If it is important for you, or it is necessary to facilitate the procedure of proving family relations in the future, you can change the certificate.

19.09.2023 09:59

It all depends on the circumstances and reasons for seizing your property. If, during the search of the premises, property is seized that is not specified in the court decision and the investigator has not seized it, such property shall be returned to the owner of the property in a mandatory manner.

In this case, and in any other case, you can contact the police department that seized the property with a statement "About the return of property." You can see an example of such a statement at this link:

An example of a statement to the court -

An example of an application to the Tax Service: Please note that the name of the service is no longer valid.