
20.11.2023 12:03

The appellate court appointed under Art. 130 KupAP fine 34 thousand hryvnias. and payment was delayed by 7 hours, but paid in full. Will the fine be doubled? Will it be transferred to the executive service? Arrests? What are the general consequences and how to avoid problems and costs beyond the already paid money?

21.07.2023 10:10

Do they have to provide me with the contract and calculations of my loan payment and how the debt was calculated. So how did I lose my documents during martial law and do not remember how much was paid?

14.07.2023 18:27

An individual from the zone of possible hostilities paid the tax on real estate and land for the past year on time, the entire debt was paid. April 11, 2023. declarations were submitted on time. Can the tax office charge fines?