
20.11.2023 12:03

The appellate court appointed under Art. 130 KupAP fine 34 thousand hryvnias. and payment was delayed by 7 hours, but paid in full. Will the fine be doubled? Will it be transferred to the executive service? Arrests? What are the general consequences and how to avoid problems and costs beyond the already paid money?

20.07.2023 19:48

A lawsuit was filed against the FOP 3 group about the administration of the proceedings (non-employment of a disabled person at the hundred enterprise).

Form 3-PN report on employment was not submitted by FOP until 10.03. Also, fop did not announce a vacant position.

The account in the electronic office of the DFS is due on 04.17. Terms of payment of the fine until 15.04. Accordingly, it is overdue. The FOP found out about the existence of this fine on 19.07 from the statement of claim.

Does it make sense to appeal the entire fine, or only the late payment penalty?

15.06.2023 23:59

Now they want a fine for an illegal call.

How to remove an article and avoid a fine, or at least make it minimal?

10.04.2023 12:39

...only a piece of paper with details is issued?