Who evaluates the integrity of judges and by what criteria?

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28.06.2023 21:25 333


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

The Code of Judicial Ethics (https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/rada/show/n0001415-13#Text), a key professional document of Ukrainian judges, is devoted to the ethical behavior of judges, including integrity.

The Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court explained what integrity is. Integrity is a necessary moral and ethical component of a judge's activity, which, among other things, determines the limit and manner of his behavior, which is based on the principles of an objective attitude to the parties in cases and honesty in the way of one's life, the performance of one's duties and the administration of justice .

The following criteria of integrity and professional ethics of judges (candidates for the post of judge) are highlighted, namely: independence, impartiality (impartiality), honesty and incorruptibility, compliance with ethical standards, equality and diligence.

The High Qualifications Commission of Judges (HCQC), the Public Integrity Council (GRD) or the Public Council of International Experts (GRME) assesses the compliance of candidates and current judges with these criteria.

29.06.2023 09:20


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