To which persons cannot a restraining order be issued?

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28.06.2023 10:29 368


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

The Supreme Court noted that in accordance with parts two and three of Article 3 of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention and Combating Domestic Violence" (, the effect of legislation on prevention and combating domestic violence, regardless of the fact of cohabitation, applies to the following persons:

1) spouse;

2) former spouse;

3) brides;

4) mother (father) or children of one spouse (former spouse) and the other spouse (former spouse);

5) persons who live (have lived) together as a family, but are not (have not been) married to each other, their parents and children;

6) persons who have a common child (children);

7) parents (mother, father) and child (children);

8) grandfather (grandmother) and grandson (granddaughter);

9) great-grandfather (great-grandmother) and great-grandson (great-granddaughter);

10) stepfather (stepmother) and stepson (stepdaughter);

11) native brothers and sisters;

12) other relatives: uncle (aunt) and nephew (niece), cousins, cousins, great-grandfather (grandmother) and great-grandson (grandson);

13) children of spouses, former spouses, fiancés, persons who have a common child (children), who are not common or adopted;

14) guardians, custodians, their children and persons who are (were) under guardianship;

15) adoptive parents, foster parents, foster carers, their children and adopted children, foster children, children who live (have lived) in the family of a foster carer.

28.06.2023 11:03


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