What exactly does the law on Russian music in Ukraine prohibit?

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28.06.2023 10:19 474


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

The Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Support of the National Musical Product and Restriction of the Public Use of the Musical Product of the Aggressor State" dated 06/19/2022 (https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2310- 20#Text) contains the following basic provisions:

  • limit the presence of songs by Russian artists (namely citizens of the Russian Federation) in the media space, including on radio and television (this also applies to music videos), as well as public reproduction;

  • formation of black and white lists of Russian artists. All artists from the aggressor state are automatically blacklisted. You can switch to white by signing an application for support of Ukraine (the SBU will handle this);

  • promote the increase of Ukrainian musical content through the increase of quotas on the radio, as well as through the introduction of the concept of a national musical product.

The public performance and showing of phonograms and music videos performed and/or produced by a singer who is or was in any period after 1991 a Russian citizen is completely and indefinitely prohibited, with the exception of former Russian citizens who are or at the time of death were citizens of Ukraine and do not have (did not have at the time of death) Russian citizenship.

It is prohibited to hold tour events, the participants of which are musical performers (singers) who are citizens of the aggressor state, except for those included in the List.

It is forbidden to play music, movie sounds or other sound signals in the bus cabin, except for information about the trip (sound can be transmitted to individual headphones of passengers, and to the cabin - only during irregular transportation with the consent of all passengers), and it is also forbidden to play music in taxi cabin without the consent of all passengers.

Until the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine within the internationally recognized borders, collective management organizations are prohibited from entering into agreements on the representation of rights with organizations registered in the aggressor state and from taking actions (including fulfilling obligations) under the agreements on representation of rights concluded with the specified organizations , as well as to conclude agreements on the management of property rights on a collective basis with rights holders registered in the aggressor state and/or rights holders acting on the basis of license agreements with the specified rights holders, and to carry out actions (including fulfilling obligations) under the above agreements on the management of property rights on a collective basis.

28.06.2023 10:37


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