Loan to an acquaintance. How to properly issue it?


I want to lend money to a friend. How to competently arrange this legally, so that a person gives, so that there is evidence of this borrowing?

27.06.2023 17:52 444


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Documents required for drawing up a loan agreement:

  1. passports of the parties;

  2. RNOCPP of the parties;

What information does the loan agreement contain:

  1. Full name, RNOCPP, place of residence, date and place of birth of the borrower, his place of work (if available);

  2. Full name, RNOCPP and place of residence of the lender;

  3. information about the amount of the loan, the term and place of its return;

  4. agreement on the possibility of extrajudicial recovery;

  5. agreement on the payment of interest for the use of the loan (if the specified condition is not defined - the amount will be determined at the level of the NBU discount rate). Interest income is taxable;

  6. signatures of the parties;

  7. a notary's notarization (provided the contract is notarized).

According to the current legislation of Ukraine, a money loan agreement is not subject to mandatory notarization. But having a notarized loan agreement will protect you from various problems.

27.06.2023 20:17


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