What is a uzondo in Poland?

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27.06.2023 17:17 661


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Uzond in Poland is a labor exchange that carries out registration, training and employment of the unemployed.

Powiatowy Urząd Pracy (PUP) is a state body responsible for registration of the unemployed, their training and employment. All residents of the country, both its citizens and foreigners, can obtain the status of unemployed in Poland.

The conditions necessary for registration are:

  • lack of work;

  • younger than retirement age;

  • absence of aid payments.

Registered unemployed receive:

  1. Medical insurance that covers service in state medical institutions.

  2. Free additional training in an existing specialty or a new profession.

  3. Help in finding a job by selecting vacancies according to the job seeker's education and work experience.

27.06.2023 17:25
