How to legalize in Poland if I am a refugee from Ukraine?

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27.06.2023 17:14 546


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

Ukrainians who plan to stay in Poland and receive refugee status must submit documents to the border guard department (Straż Graniczna) within two weeks of their stay in Poland.

You can apply for refugee status:

When entering the country. You must tell the Border Patrol officer who will be checking the documents that you want to be granted refugee status in that country.

If there are queues at the border crossing point, you can ask the officer who will check the documents about where to find the nearest Border Service office. And then submit an application through this department.

After applying for refugee status, you will have the right to live in one of the refugee centers. The state can also provide housing in other ways.

After receiving refugee status, you are guaranteed:

  • Obtaining a residence permit that will be valid for up to 3 years and can be renewed;

  • The right to employment and education;

  • The right to social security and medical services.

As of April 1, 2023, refugees from Ukraine in Poland with the status of PESEL UKR can submit documents for a temporary residence permit (the so-called beaten card). This is foreseen by the amendments to the law "On assistance to citizens of Ukraine in connection with the armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine", adopted in January 2023.

27.06.2023 17:58
