Is it possible to get vacation 'in advance'?

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26.06.2023 10:08 414


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

The employee's right to annual basic and additional full-time vacations in the first year of work begins after six months of continuous work at the given enterprise. When granting an employee the specified annual vacations before the end of the six-month period of continuous work, their duration is determined in proportion to the time worked.

Exceptions are only the cases specified in Part 7 of Art. 10 of the Law of Ukraine "On Vacations" — when annual vacation can be granted at the request of the employee before the 6-month period of continuous work:

1) for women - before or after leave due to pregnancy and childbirth, as well as for women who have two or more children under the age of 15 or a child with a disability;

2) persons with disabilities;

3) persons under eighteen years of age;

4) husbands whose wives are on leave due to pregnancy and childbirth;

5) to persons released after completion of fixed-term military service, military service under conscription during mobilization, for a special period, military service under conscription of reservists during a special period, military service under conscription of officers or alternative (non-military) service, if after leaving the service, they were hired within three months, not counting the time of moving to the place of residence;

6) for part-time employees - simultaneously with vacation at the main place of work;

7) employees who are successfully studying in educational institutions and wish to add vacation to the time of taking exams, assessments, writing diploma, coursework, laboratory and other works provided for by the educational program;

8) employees who have a ticket (pass) for sanatorium-resort (outpatient-resort) treatment;

9) parents - educators of family-type children's homes;

10) in other cases provided for by legislation, collective agreement or labor agreement.

26.06.2023 11:30


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