What rules and obligations are established for co-owners of an apartment building...?


... at home?

22.06.2023 12:18 385


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

According to the Law "On Association of Co-owners of an Apartment Building" No. 2866-ІІІ dated 19.07.2017, the rights of a co-owner of an apartment building (Article 14) include:

  • to participate in the management of the association in the manner determined by this Law and the association's charter (read more about the association's charter HERE);

  • elect and be elected to the composition of the association's statutory bodies;

  • get acquainted with the minutes of general meetings, make extracts from them;

  • to receive information about the activities of the association in the established manner;

  • demand from the statutory bodies the protection of their rights and compliance by the co-owners with the rules of good neighborliness;

  • to receive information about the activities of the association in accordance with the procedure established by the statute.

According to Article 15 of the aforementioned law, the obligations of co-owners include:

  1. perform the duties stipulated by the association's charter;

  2. to implement the decisions of the statutory bodies adopted within their powers;

  3. use the premises as intended, observe the rules for using the premises;

  4. to ensure the preservation of the premises, to participate in their reconstruction, restoration, current and capital repairs, technical re-equipment;

  5. ensure compliance with the requirements of housing and urban planning legislation regarding reconstruction, restoration, current and major repairs, technical re-equipment of premises or their parts;

  6. to prevent violations of the legal rights and interests of other co-owners;

  7. comply with the requirements of the rules for maintaining a residential building and the surrounding area, fire safety rules, and sanitary standards;

  8. to pay due contributions and payments on time and in full;

  9. compensate for damages caused to the property of other co-owners;

  10. to fulfill the duties provided for by the statutory documents before the association;

  11. prevent deterioration of common property, inform association management bodies about damage and failure of technical equipment;

  12. to observe cleanliness in public places and silence in accordance with the requirements established by law.

Other duties of co-owners may be established by the association statute.

22.06.2023 12:22


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