What rights and privileges do mobilized persons have?

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20.06.2023 15:48 387


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

Mobilized citizens enjoy all the rights and benefits provided by the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service" and "On the Social and Legal Status of Military Servicemen and Members of Their Families".

During martial law, an additional reward of UAH 30,000 is paid to those mobilized, and UAH 100,000 for direct participation in hostilities.

During martial law, the following holidays are granted:

  • for family circumstances up to 10 calendar days;

  • a state of health in connection with an illness or for treatment after a serious injury.

The mobilized have the right to:

  • receiving medical care in military hospitals;

  • preservation of the place of work, position and average earnings at the enterprise, institution, organization, regardless of subordination and forms of ownership (Article 119 of the Labor Code of Ukraine);

  • exemption of natural persons - entrepreneurs, who are called up during mobilization, from paying a single social contribution;

  • continuity of state registration of entrepreneurial activities of the FOP;

  • crediting the time of military service to the insurance record, work record, work record by specialty, civil service record;

  • payment of a military pension during service. After the end of the service, pensions will be paid taking into account additional years of service;

  • exemption from fines for non-fulfillment of financial obligations and interest on loans.

Those who are mobilized, if there are grounds, can receive the status of a participant in hostilities, which includes, in particular, benefits for housing and communal services, travel, sanatorium-resort treatment, obtaining land plots, housing, etc.

20.06.2023 19:09


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