How can evidence and information about road accidents be preserved?


What steps should be taken to preserve photos, videos, witness statements and other evidence?

07.06.2023 19:54 483


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

Record the scene in detail (this should be done immediately after the accident, before the arrival of the police). A big plus will be the presence of a video recorder, which will record the moment of the accident.

You can save evidence (photos/videos) both on your device and on any other.

As for the eyewitnesses of the road accident, try to exchange contacts with them. It is important to note that passengers in a vehicle can act as witnesses to an accident. In this case, if the police officer refuses to take an explanation from them, referring to their potential interest, it is necessary to indicate this fact in the section of comments and/or objections to the administrative offense protocol. (Indicate full details of the witnesses, including all their details)

In addition to photo/video evidence and testimony of witnesses, it should be noted the protocol on the administrative offense and the diagram of the accident scene, which is signed by the accident participants and the police officer. You should carefully approach the procedure of drawing up the protocol and scheme of the road accident.

It is necessary to make sure that all the circumstances are objectively reflected in them (protocols/diagrams), because, for example, the diagram of the accident site contains a lot of important information, such as:

  1. the section of the road on which the accident occurred;

  2. permanent landmarks to which objects and tracks are attached on the diagram;

  3. vehicles involved in road accidents, the coordinates of their location relative to roadway elements and permanent landmarks;

  4. traces of the braking distance of the wheels of vehicles: their location relative to the elements of the roadway; the length from their beginning to each wheel of the vehicle with an image of the places of ruptures; the length of tracks in areas with different coverage;

  5. other traces and objects related to the adventure: placement of parts and objects (body debris, paint particles, glass fragments, soil spillage, traces of liquid) separated from the vehicle, relative to elements of the roadway, vehicles; the area of scattering of glass fragments, soil spillage;

  6. coordinates of the place of collision, collision relative to fixed landmarks;

  7. the width of the carriageway together with the dividing lanes;

  8. width of sidewalks, roadsides;

  9. sizes of sections with different condition of road surface;

  10. dimensions and placement of road surface defects;

  11. location of road markings;

  12. location of traffic lights, road signs and other means of technical traffic regulation;

  13. location of the barrier, signaling devices, road signs on the approach to the railway crossing.

The table of road conditions must be filled in on the diagram of the accident site and the names of the objects depicted on the diagram are indicated.

07.06.2023 20:17


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