Tell me, please, does the wife have to have a power of attorney...?


... in order to take the petition written by her husband to the office of the police department? In criminal proceedings, a man has the status of a victim.

Why did the question arise! Because they never demanded a power of attorney for five and a half years. And today they said that it must happen. Otherwise, the request will not be accepted.

31.05.2023 20:59 662


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

The victim or his representative can sign and submit petitions or any other documents in criminal proceedings.

The authority of the representative, in accordance with Article 58 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, must be duly confirmed.

The authority of the victim's representative to participate in criminal proceedings is confirmed:

  1. documents provided for in Article 50 of this Code (certificate of the right to engage in advocacy, a warrant, a contract with a defense attorney or a mandate from a body (institution) authorized by law to provide free legal aid), - if the representative of the victim is a person who has the right to be a defense attorney in criminal proceedings;

  2. a copy of the founding documents of the legal entity - if the victim's representative is the head of the legal entity or another person authorized by law or the founding documents;

  3. power of attorney - if the representative of the victim is an employee of the legal entity that is the victim.

31.05.2023 22:46


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