How can beneficiaries claim unpaid benefits during martial law?

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30.05.2023 15:55 477


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

According to Resolution No. 340 dated 04/18/2023 "On Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Regarding the Provision of Certain Types of Cash Assistance, Benefits and Housing Subsidies", beneficiaries may receive unpaid amounts of benefits. This applies only to the funds that were recorded in the account for the payment of benefits in the accounts of the beneficiaries as of June 1, 2022, for which there were no appeals from the beneficiaries regarding their payment, the accounting of which was stopped on December 20, 2022, and which were returned to Oschadbank JSC on account of the Ministry of Social Policy.

These funds will be paid by the bodies of the Pension Fund of Ukraine until September 2023 at the request of beneficiaries.

In order to receive unpaid amounts, the beneficiary needs to submit an application to the Fund body in an arbitrary form, in which it is mandatory to indicate:

  • the name of the document giving the right to benefits, its series and number (if available), who issued the document and the date of its issuance (with presentation of the original of the specified document or the veteran's electronic ID card);

  • registration number of the taxpayer's registration card (except for persons who have a note in the passport of a citizen of Ukraine about the right to make payments by series (if available) and passport number);

  • series (if available) and number of a passport of a citizen of Ukraine or a birth certificate or a temporary certificate of a citizen of Ukraine, who issued the document and the date of its issuance;

  • account number (according to the IBAN standard) and the name of the bank in which the account was opened for crediting the amount of the unpaid benefit.

In the event of the death of a beneficiary, whose account had balances of benefits as of June 1, 2022, a member of his family who was covered by benefits and whose information is available in the Unified State Automated Register of Persons Entitled to Benefits may receive funds have not been paid to the beneficiary, by contacting the Pension Fund of Ukraine body with an application of an arbitrary form (where one must indicate one's first and last name, as well as the registration number of the taxpayer's registration card, passport data of a citizen of Ukraine, the account number (according to the IBAN standard) and the name of the bank) , in which the account is opened) and copies of the necessary documents (death certificate of the beneficiary, his passport and tax payer number).

30.05.2023 16:27


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